Chap. 16 | Cupcakes|

Comenzar desde el principio

Nova rolled her eyes. "Yes. I was suspended for kicking my bully's butt!"

"You did? That's awesome!" Zara exclaimed.

Nova raised an eyebrow.

Zara blushed. "What I meant to say was that what you did was very bad Nova, you shouldn't do such things!"

Nova smiled.

"Since it's just the two of us today, what do you want to do?" Zara asked, as she opened up the back door for some fresh air.

"We could bake." Nova said brightly.

"That's a good idea. We need the ingredients first, what say we go get them after breakfast?" Zara said, taking a seat next to Nova.

"That would be great." Nova said.

"So why don't you tell me about this Mendoza kid?" Zara said.

"He started bullying me when I showed people my frog, Leny." Nova smiled as she said this.

"What happened to Leny?" Zara asked curiously.

"Daddy ran him over by mistake. He was in a hurry to go to a meeting." Nova said, rolling her eyes.

"Ouch. I'm sorry." Zara said, trying not to picture frog remains.

"It's alright. At least I got to examine his insides." Nova said gleefully.

"Erm....okay." Zara chuckled nervously.

"Matthew is a meanie, he shoves me for no reason and takes my lunch all the time." Nova huffed.

"That's horrible, don't worry at least he now knows that you can pack a punch." Zara said, raising a fist into the air.

Nova smiled.

"I'm hungry can we eat then go get supplies?" Nova asked politely.

"Good idea. No more frog conversations alright Nova?" Zara said, quivering in disgust.


"Do we need raisins?" Nova asked, as she reached for a tin of raisins.

"Nope. They are just to expensive!" Zara said, staring at the price in disgust.

"They are only 5.95." Nova shrugged her shoulders.

"That's way too much." Zara scoffed.

"Well, we usually buy these type of raisins." Nova said.

"This is what happens when you shop at these expensive grocery stores." Zara grumbled.

"Are you really that broke?" Nova teased.

"That's not very kind Nova." A voice said from behind Zara.

Zara didn't have to turn around to see who it was. She knew his voice very well.

She turned around and came face to face with Valentine Kingsman, sporting his sexy lab coat and his all too famous stethoscope.

"Uncle Val!" Nova ran and enveloped her uncle.

Zara stood there admiring the sight, he really was good with kids. It's a shame he had lost his son. She'd be more than happy to be the mother of his kids.

Wait what?

"What brings you here?" Valentine asked.

"To buy groceries, like everyone else in this room." Zara said, shaking her head.

Valentine scolded himself for being asking a stupid question. "Groceries? Whatever for? The mansion is stocked with enough food for an apocalypse." Valentine chuckled.

Zara rolled her eyes. "Apparently the apocalypse food doesn't include baking ingredients."

"What are you two baking? Cupcakes?" He asked hopefully.

"It's none of your business Mr Kingsman." Zara said in a surprisingly polite tone.

"I'm wounded Miss Kona, I really am." He said, placing a hand on his heart and feigning hurt.

"You're a doctor, patch yourself up." Zara smirked.

"I'm afraid I can't, I'm way too tired." He said, running a hand through his black locks and letting the curls fall back over his forehead.

Zara's breath hitched.

She shook her head in order to break her trance, "I suppose your arrogant self wants me to ask you why you're tired?"

"Go on, ask me." He chuckled.

"Insufferable." Zara scoffed.

"I'm waiting, Miss Kona." He said, half-smirking.

"Why are you tired Mr Kingsman?" She asked disinterestedly.

"I delivered two lives into the world and assisted in a very successful surgery." He said proudly.

"So you were doing your job?" Zara said flatly.

"Yes, well if you put it that way it's not that impressive." He grumbled.

"Of course it isn't. Like I said, it is pretty much your job." Zara laughed.

"There's no impressing you, woman." He sighed.

"What can I say, I'm not an easy person." Zara said proudly.

Valentine leaned in, and stopped just above her ear. Zara's breath hitched when she smelt his chocolatey breath.

"Your pride was absent when I kissed you." He whispered.

"I-um......I was just..... I......we." She struggled to find the words.

Valentine smirked. "The Zara Kona is speechless?" He teased.

Zara felt flustered. Curse this man for using his looks and charms against her.

"If you two are done flirting....we have to go now." Nova said, her eyes twinkling mischeivously.

"We weren't flirting!" Zara exclaimed. She grabbed her shopping basket and trudged to the till.

Mr Kingsman and Nova snickered as Zara almost tripped on her feet. Zara turned to glare at them.

"Do you like her, Uncle Val?" Nova asked curiously.

Uncle Val stooped down and lifted his niece into his arms. "I don't know." He said, staring at Zara as she laughed with the cashier.

"Don't worry, I won't tell aunt Leila." Nova whispered.


Sorry for the late update. The WiFi here has been acting up. We are also being hacked.😒😭

I hope you like this chapter.😁

Please come up with ship-names for your favourite couples.

The Cupcake And The Stethoscope. (BWWM)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora