Chapter 19: It's That Time Of The Year

Start from the beginning

"I didn't expect anything. Well this is convenient, because I have something for you too."


"Yeah. I'll go and get it once we finish what we're doing."

After what felt like thousands of Christmas balls and meters of fairy lights later, all we had to do was hang up the star on top of the tree.

"My lady." He bent his knees waiting for me to position myself in a piggy ride style. I did exactly that and raised my arm to put the aforementioned star up.

"Perfect." I said when I finished. He then put me down again.

"Well, now I'm going to get your gift. Hold on a second."

I sat down next to the tree which, by the way, was quite big. I loved this feeling, like I was transported to the past and was enjoying my Christmas Eve at an old mansion with Archer. Sometimes I feel I was born in the wrong generation. Let's be honest, I don't really look or act like the nowadays teenager stereotype. Don't get me wrong, I don't have a problem with who I am. On the contrary. My friends and I are different from the rest of the high school population. We're unique and we like it like that.
Keeping it classy, plain and simple.

"I'm here again." Archer was carrying a big wrapped box and here I am, with an small rectangular one.

"Just open mine first, I don't want yours to put mine to shame just now." I practically begged him.

"I don't think it will, coming from you. But let's see what it is!"

I gave it to him and he unwrapped it. I wish I could take a picture of him when his eyes landed on the book inside. Next thing he did was to hug me like I was oxygen and he was desperate to breathe.

"I love it, Grace. I can't thank you enough."

"Just seeing that look on your face is enough for me."

"You don't understand. This was the book I was reading when the fire ignited everything. It was burned in the process and it was my favorite one. Now I have a replacement, all thanks to you. And also, it reminds me of when we started off our converation one night with a verse of 'Annabel Lee'. "

"You remembered." My heart was going to escape from my chest any moment now, considering the speed of its beatings.

"How would I ever forget? It is one of my favorite nights so far. Now, open my present. It isn't as good as yours but it will do."

I opened the box and what I saw inside took my breath away.

"You've got me a writing machine?"

"You don't like it." He nervously stated.

"Are you kidding? I freaking love it Archer!"

"Oh thank God." He let out a shaky breath. "For one second I thought you hated it. It was packed in the basement too. I found it while looking for the Christmas ornaments and I knew straight away I had to give it to you once I checked it worked. I know how much you love reading, but have you ever thought of writing your own story?"

"It may have crossed my mind several times, but that's it. It's so beautiful, thank you Archer. But I have no idea what to write about."

"Write about us, our story. Make it your own and let the world read it. Stories like this demand to be told."

It sounds fascinating when he puts it that way.

Then, they started to play 'All I want for Christmas is you' on the radio.

"Come on, get up." Archer ordered me.

"What are you doing?"

"May I have this dance?" He held out his hand for me to take, which I did.

What started as a slow dance turned to a faster one as the chorus kicked in. We strutted around the hall, Archer spinning me around and I keeping up the pace. When the song was about to finish, he dipped my body. I looked at his face and I saw it. We were under the mistletoe he was  desperately trying to hang up before. Noticing where my gaze was fixated, he also looked.

"Well, well. We can't break the tradition, can we?"

Archer drew me up against his chest and kissed me. This one isn't as the ones we've shared before. This one was gentle, neither hungry nor desperate. It started off as a mere touch, but it continued to gain intensity. His hands caressed my back while mine were doing the same to his cheeks. Neither of us wanted to turn this into a make out session. We wanted to remember this moment in a sweet, beautiful way.

I didn't want to care about the nonexistent future of this relationship or if I would end up in a heartbreak. I wanted it to be just him and I. Not a ghost kissing a troubled girl, but a normal boy kissing a normal girl on Christmas Eve. Just for at least a few more seconds.

I pulled back before this would affect me more than it already has.

"Grace, I-"

"Don't. It will make things more complicated."

"Don't you think we should talk about what's happening between us? It's not just a simple crush Grace, and you know it. You feel it too."

"It won't change anything Archer."

"But if we could just look at the bigger picture, maybe-".

"We both now we can't. Look Archer, I won't deny I feel something. However, do you really think it will lead us anywhere?" I sighed and looked at my watch. "My family will be arriving at this very moment, I must go. Thank you so much for the writing machine, I'll make good use of it. See you tomorrow." I side hugged him, holding my new writing machine.

"See you. This conversation isn't finished, just so you know."

I just waved him off and made my way to my grandfather's house, lots of thoughts wandering around my mind.


A.N: Grace is one stubborn girl, but try to understand her. Next chapter there will be a pretty emotional encounter, just so you know. You've been warned.

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