♡°|Wearing Eachother's Clothes|♡°

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Why don't I ever write at normal times smh. It's 2am so night y'all♡

{Michael POV}

"Fuck, where did I put it?!" I yelled as I ran around my room, digging everywhere to find my hoodie. I was supposed to meet Jeremy today, but I couldn't find it which was pissing me off. I never went anywhere without it.

I was already ten minutes late to meet Jeremy at his place so I decided to just give up, tired and frustrated from not finding it. I grabbed my phone and keys, angrily mumbling to myself, and headed out.

{Jeremy POV}

I was laying on my bed, bored out of my mind, waiting for my favorite person to show up. Michael said we could hang earlier, but he still wasn't here. I hopped off my bed and started pacing around worridly.'What if he blew me off? What if something happened to him? What if-'

My thoughts were interrupted by a loud knock on my front door. I quickly ran to the front door and swung it open, knowing who it was.

"Finally! What took so damn long?" I said, immediately hugging him once he walked inside. He giggled quietly at my excitement.

"Sorry, Jer, I was trying to find...." he suddenly paused for a moment, "wait is that my fucking hoodie?" He asked, lightly gripping the fabric of the baggy hoodie that was swallowing my petite frame.

"Oh, uhm yeah, it is...heh." I replied nervously, a shy smile on my face. Was he mad I had it?

"Y'know I was looking fucking everywhere for this thing. I was really worried I lost it." He said quietly.

"Oh my god, dude I'm so sorry!" I exclaimed with an apologetic tone. "I should've asked and not just taken it...but like I just love wearing it." I told him, not even thinking before I spoke.

"It's so soft and warm and it smells like you...makes me feel safe." I continued, looking down at the hoodie with a fond smile, still not fully thinking about what I was saying.

I was caught off guard by Michael's sudden giggle. I felt my face immediately heat up after realizing what I said. I saw a grin find its way onto his face once he noticed my light blush.

"You look really cute in it, honestly." He said while wrapping his arms around my waist, pulling me closer. I smiled shyly and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek, my face getting redder.

"Wow, you steal my hoodie and you won't even give me a real kiss, okay then." Said Michaal, a small pout evident on his face. I giggled quietly at his childness,  leaning in to give him an innocent kiss, this time on the lips.

I pulled away from the kiss and hid my face in his chest. He let out a low chuckle and hugged me close.

"Can we go cuddle, Jer?" I picked my head up, nodding yes.
Okay so there's that bullshit. It's terrible, I know. Also I'm very sorry for not updating this like all month. It's been crazy recently and I just haven't been in the mood for writing. Or when I do it's like a new story idea and I don't want to post it bc I haven't even kept up with my current story and yeah- so that's that. Anyways, hope you somehwat liked this chapter if that is even possible.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 01, 2018 ⏰

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