♡°|Holding Hands|°♡

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《This will be a Treebros one》

It was a warm, sunny day. Connor and Evan were out in the woods aimlessly wandering around, just enjoying being with each other in such a peaceful setting.

"Hey Ev, let's take a little break." Connor said sitting down against one of the many trees. Evan nodded and sat down next to him. They sat there in a comfortable silence, Evan playing with a ladybug he had found crawling next to him.

'He always looks so peaceful and happy when we're out here together...god it's so cute.' Connor thought while watching Evan, a rare smile starting to appear on his face. Connor loved seeing Evan happy, he loved making Evan happy. It made him feel like he had a purpose.

Connor's staring eventually had to stop, however, when Evan turned to look at him.

"W-why are you staring at me..?" The smaller boy asked quietly. Connor's cheeks gained a slight pink tint to them.'Ah fuck he caught me ugh! Wait wait wait Connor chill. He's your boyfriend it isn't that weird....or is it?? Does he think I'm weird now?!' When Evan didn't get an answer he waved his hand in front of the paler boy's face, trying to get his attention.

"Connor, are you okay??" Evan asked him with a slightly worried tone. He shook his head and looked back up at Evan.

"Y-yeah, I'm fine. Sorry for staring, I know you don't like it," He told the blonde "y-you just looked uhm really cute..." Evan's face heated up once those words left Connor's mouth.

"I looked c-cute?" He asked in disbelief. The other boy nodded in response.

"Yeah, you always look cute. Especially when we're out here. You always have this soft, peaceful smile and this joyful look in your eyes. It's really adorable." Connor spoke softly and gently pulled Evan closer to him, the smaller boy's back against him. Evan smiled and leaned his head back, resting it against his boyfriend's chest. Connor looked down at him another little smile on his face yet again. He grabbed Evan's hand that wasn't in a cast and kissed his forehead.

"I love you, Ev." Connor told him quietly.

"I love you, too, Connor." He responded, gently squeezing Connor's hand that was intertwined with his own. The two sat there in a comfortable silence, holding hands. They never really made any physical contact in front of others. They weren't out about their relationship to everyone and they also felt uncomfortable showing public displays of affection. So times like this, just holding hands, was a big deal for the two. Something so small just made them so happy.

AND THERE IS THAT GARBAGE. HOPE YOU MADE IT THROUGH THAT. Idk if it's even remotely decent or properly on topic but idk I tried and yEaH. Anywhooo I'm gonna go ahead and post this bc I told my friend i would and uh might update and change a few things tomorrow idk-

30 DAY OTP CHALLENGE [Boyf Reinds & Tree Bros]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin