1 midnight

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Day 1

My eyelids felt like led yet I couldn't seem to fall asleep. I held the phone screen above my face.

We spent the whole day doing physical activities, but why am I like this?
I was dead tired and even though it was the first day, I could conclude that school was...


The people were nice, the Teachers were caring but the school itself?


Who on earth decided that we should spend the first day of school doing sports?

The fact that I was sleeping in a humongous room with 25 other girls on dusty bunk beds was weird enough.

Since birth, I expected college dorms to be small and cozy, but big enough for you and your best friend to be roommates.

Now I was pushed into a large room with girls I barely spoke to.

Except a few girls my age and,


I wonder if you're sleeping too.

I sat up from my position and glanced over to her bunk bed.

But it was empty.

Maybe you're outside?

I walked out of the huge bunk bed dorm.

It could have been because I couldn't fall asleep, or I wasn't in my right mind late at night, or maybe... just maybe...

I was hoping to see you outside.

And there she was lightly leaning on to the wall, staring at the sky.

"You're looking at stars?" I quietly asked, hoping not to startle her as I slowly walked towards her.

She turned to look at me, slightly shocked to see that I was awake. But slowly her open mouth changed into a warm smile.

"I couldn't sleep," I gave an awkward laugh.

I heard her light chuckleand it wasn't an exaggeration if I said it was the cutest thing I had ever heard.

"You can sit outside with me," she wrapped her arm around my shoulder as we sat beside the door.

"Maybe it's because you drank so much coffee today,"

And you remembered something about me.

The fact that she recalled something I did made me feel excited. And somewhat

fluttery inside.

I nodded sheepishly as a smile uncontrollably appeared on my face.

"Why are you up so late?" It was odd talking informally to her, especially with our five year age gap.

I'm was 19, she was 24

We weren't exactly officially friends either.

We've only had short casual conversations throughout the day.

She said nothing but waved her book at me from her hand.

"You like reading?" I asked sounding shocked, but then it made sense, she did look like someone that read.

"You read too?"

I felt bad for misleading her.

"Nope, I hate it, it's boring," I scrunched up my face.

She gave a silent, awkward ah and slowly turned her head back towards her book.

"Are you disappointed I don't read?"


We both started laughing.

"Your eyes are huge, it's pretty," I instinctively pointed out.

She turned her head to give me a questionable look.

"Thank you," she giggled.

I didn't have to be shy about it, it's not like she would ever guess that I had feelings for her that weren't platonic.

What are the odds?

We're from two different age groups, at this huge college camp.

"But why are you in college? Shouldn't you be in the big world by now?"

"Big world?" She couldn't even reply for a few seconds because she couldn't stop laughing.

And that made me smile.

"You're so cute," She lightly pat my head.

"I took a few years before I decided to continue studying,"

"What have you been doing this whole time?"

"Trying to find a job," she shrugged.

"And I've been trying to work on my Korean," Sana said sheepishly, and then it suddenly hit me that she wasn't Korean. She must've been from a rich family to be able to afford not working for so many years.

"Teach me some Japanese!" I excitedly replied.


And the night went on like this for the next few hours...
Sometimes, just sometimes, I have the urge to blurt everything out and tell her how much I like her but it would ruin everything,

This small relationship I treasure so much.

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