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The wind blew my hair into my face, but I didn't stop to push it out of the way. There were a lot of shouting going on far below me, but I didn't pay it any mind. My attention was focused on the sky. The sky looked absolutely beautiful today! The bright blue in all its unobstructed glory. There was not a single cloud in the sky, not even a wisp of a cloud.

I knew I should have been looking down, or really anywhere but up, but I just couldn't look away from the sky. I wanted to cherish the sun that warmed my skin, and the breeze that kept me from getting too hot. I wanted to cherish the bright blue of the sky, I wanted to keep this moment in my head for the rest of my life. No matter how short my life was going to end up being.

My opinion didn't matter, apparently, to anyone else because I was quickly pulled away from edge of the four story high balcony. I didn't pay attention to the voices asking me questions, I didn't even look at the two people who pulled my away. I just continued to stare at the sky until it was there no more.

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