It's The Same, But Different In No Way At All

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So, I finally got around to making new covers! Six Saviors now has a relevent cover that also has a summary on it (still looks like crap tho), Batfamily One Shots should have updated to a new one, but when I checked it, for some reason, didn't change? Idk. I didn't know if I should make one for my Rants and Me story tho (which I'll be changing the name, so I most likely will). And then Strandes is perfect, so I won't touch that. Then there's my secret project that I actually just revealed I've been writing. I'm gonna finish it then post it so that I'm not pressured to write any chapters.

Basically, I'm changing the summaries and covers, which is where the title for this chapter comes in! I know, weird subject, but yea. Also, I'm changing the name of this story to 'Random Fandom Talk and Other Weird Stuff' or something long amd around those lines. It depends if Wattpad will let me, I guess.

Also, I'm gonna say something that I've been keeping in, but mentioned once to my internet frens, who actually agreed with me. Okay, I enjoy Phil's videos more than Dan's. Not 'I like Phil better than Dan' because they are both adored by me the same, but I would rather watch Phil's vids. Just an opinion that I was too scared to say.

Is anyone else SUPER ready for the next vld season, but also dreading the end of Voltron? I am. I can't wait to see more, but I can wait for Voltron to end. It was too short for my liking.

Also, has the Queen Bee Miraculous episodes release yet? I haven't been keeping up with the release dates for any other fandom, as I've put most time and energy into convincing my (mum jackie if i can go to interactive introverts REFERENCE TO PINOF!) mom if we can get DC Universe because life (and school work, too i guess, but not as much as my old school), and I've just mindlessly scrolled through Lukanette fanart.

Anyways, yea. I was at one school for a week and I LOVED IT! But my mom didn't want me to go there and barely asked me before siging me up for a different school (before I went to the first one) and just making me go there. I don't enjoy it much since I barely had a say in anything and I feel forced there (I also started in the second week in school, meaning everything was already set up), but it's too late to go back :(

Also, have you heard what pedophiles are doing? THEY'RE SAYING THEY'RE IN THE LGBTQ+ COMMUNITY! Listen, I'm straight, but I know thw community to know that that isn't how it works. That isn't an okay sexual preference! God, why does this have to happen?

So, the next chapter for Six Saviors should be out soon, hopefully like the next song in Trench! And that was all I wanted to say. Wait, Markus will come back and realize he has to add a shit ton of music, since I'm pretty sure we started the fic before the full Pray For The Wicked Album came out and Trench came out (buy both on iTunes btw). Imagine him rushing off the boat and into the cabin and everyone is like, "What?" And he's like, "THERE'S NEW MUSIC!"

We'll probably be finished in time for the new FOB album tho, so....

Also, did y'all see Vine 2? I got all excited, but the reviews say that it doesn't work well, so now I'm sad. I'm always sad. My mom was comparing me to my sister to people and I cried in the car. I also cried over a fanfic. I just want to talk to someone. I'm gonna stop putting my personal problems and anxiety on you for now! That's for me to relate on Tumblr about then just go to surreal memes. Well, that was a sad note.

Anyways, that's all for this random chapter! Goooooood byebyebye!

Random Fandom Talk and Other Pretty.Odd Stuff (This Title Is A Reference)Where stories live. Discover now