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Okay, I'm gonna say my unpopular opinions in this chapter. Yell at me all you want, but I won't care. Also, some popular opinions at the end.

1. I like Gruniper more than Tratie. I just do.
2. I hate Bruce. He's been abusive to his kids and is overrated.
3. Joshler sucks. I like Tyler and Jenna together, and I'm glad Tyler found Jenna.
4. I hate Zutara. I've read fanifcs, seen fanart, know the facts that come with it, and I just don't really like it.
5. I don't know how unpopular this is anymore, but Lance is my favorite character. He's amazing!
6. I love both Dan and Phil equally, but I prefer to watch Phil's videos, because they make me feel happier and I find them more interesting, still love them both, though.
7. Idrk how unpopular this is but Remus bottoms Sirius tops
8. DC doesn't care for the Batfamily at all and hates it when we actually are motivated to read the next comic out of happiness, not hoping our child is okay or to see of the wedding is back.
9. We make characters like Nightwing, Percy, Leo, James, and many others seem dumb and like people who are happy go lucky when they are actually very smart, and can comprehend things well, for the most part.
10. The 'not my type' joke is over done. Percy most likely didn't respond anything like that to finding out about Nico liking him. He'd be confused for a minute, but then happy that Nico was comfortable enough to tell him he's gay, and would probably team up with Jason to do 'Operation Solangelo'

That's all the unpopular ones I have for now, but I have three popular ones.

1. Gabe Ugliano is the worst being ever created
2. Remus Lupin is actually beyond perfect
3. Cassie is one of the most precious in the Batfam

'Kay, ciao!

Random Fandom Talk and Other Pretty.Odd Stuff (This Title Is A Reference)Where stories live. Discover now