Chapter 10: Slowly (Naeun POV)

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Chapter 10: Slowly (Naeun POV)

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The evening outing at the sports field was definitely worth it. Sure, I may be tired after all that, but I guess it would do me well in the end once I remembered my past.

It was not easy, but I tried to visualise Taemin's memories of me. He made it sound so vivid, it kind of reminded me of the novels I used to read during my pre-debut days or during our breaks. He did say I could use the visualised memories in the illustrations...but how did he know I have photographic memory though?

Then again, could it be I acquired this ability after my...accident?

"Aigoo, Naeun is whistfully thinking alone again~" Bomi announced once she noticed me staring aimlessly at the celing.

"Unnie, I...was just getting tired, but I could not sleep on my bed..." I began.

"Because your heart is beating too fast?" she continued to joke.

"Aniyo~" I was laughing myself.

Bomi soon retired to her room, but I remained lingering in the dining area. Taemin's memories were still revolving in my mind... I just... couldn't help but feel that restless.

Did all of that...happen in my memories too?

Unable to do anything, I returned to my computer and proceeded with the designs that Taemin suggested I do. I guess I had to save my work this time, since it is important for both of us.

The computer roared into life and I plugged in my thumb drive where I stored all my works. Wait...the thumb drive reminded me of something... Didn't oppa say I had a diary or something?

At that thought, I knew had to find it.

It took me a while, but I found the document in question nestled in my personal folder. It was entitled: 'Diary Entries'.

Should I open it? I was becoming ever more hesitant each time. What if all the memories suddenly rush back to me and I could not handle it?!

No, Naeun, stop. Let Taemin share the memories. He remembers them better.

But, true to my mind, I went ahead anyway. It hoped it would be a life-changing moment...that I'll never forget...

(~Next Morning~)

"Naeun ah...It's morning already. We need to get ready..." someone was nudging me.

"Waeyo?" I spoke drowsily. Omo did I sleep while working again? Aish...

Turns out it was Chorong who woke me up. As expected of our leader.

"What's going on today unnie?" I asked her.

"We're going to a waterpark today! Palli, the other members are waiting for you!!" she sounded excited.

W-w-waterpark?! Since when? Now I'm even stuttering at that? Oh maybe it was because...

"Quick, get ready Son Yeoshin!" Chorong was pushing me to the bathroom. After all, she really liked this sort of thing.

Thanks to her, I was ready in a flash. Now I was fully awake.

The members were all eagerly waiting for me at the door and they all donned on their sunglasses and we headed out to the waterpark.

(~Some driving later~)

Before I even knew it, the members and I were standing in the compound of the waterpark and we were greeted with massive water slides, wavepools and rides.

Remembering Romance (TaEun Fanfic) [#Wattys2015]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon