Chapter 1: Script (Taemin POV)

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Chapter 1: Script (Taemin POV)

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SHINee were back in the dorm after practice at the SM building. Even though our album promotions had ended, we still needed to keep our vocal and choreography skills in check.

Key hyung and I were at the dining area chilling out. Well, he was chilling out, but I wasn't. I had my laptop in front of me as I typed away. Why? I was writing a new book~

An idol who writes books? Well actually, it's not a bad thing if you ask me. You see, I recently stumbled across this online community where you can write your own stories and publish it for other people to read. Since I liked writing (heck, I'm elected as the scriber in SHINee), I thought that this was a good idea, especially to pass the time when we had no upcoming schedules to attend to.

And the community reception is HUGE! I mean, a famous hallyu star who writes online books? Who wouldn't be popular like that? Well, actually Apink's Bomi was the one who first introduced me to the online writing community, and I was the first person to actually start writing books online amongst all the idols I knew.

"Yah, Lee Taemin!" I heard Key shout in my ear.

"Waeyo Kibum (Key's real name) hyung?" I asked him.

"You're so engrossed in your new story? I tried calling you 5 times!" Key told me.

"Ah, mianhae hyung. What's the matter?"

"Jinki (Onew's real name) hyung wants to go out for dinner, and we need your help to decide where to go tonight."

The members always seek me for dinner options because I happen to be very knowledgeable about the best dining places in Seoul and other countries we go to for concerts or tours. What can I say? I love eating good food~

"How about ddeokbokki (spicy rice cakes)? We haven't had that in a while," I suggested while thinking about that restaurant we normally go to after our world tours.

"Ok!" Key agreed. "Good thing too, you need some time off that computer."

Well...hyung was right.

When the rest of the members had gathered altogether, we headed out of our dorm and proceeded to the ddeokbokki eatery. It was a cold winter evening and we were all closely huddled together trying to avoid being hit by the direct strength of the wind.

While walking down the slope outside our dorm though, I realised I forgot someting: my tablet I use for writing stories. Even when I'm not actually writing, I need to check my emails to see the responses I was getting for my stories.

"Hyungs..." I began. "You want to go and get a seat first? I need to go back to the dorm and collect my tablet..."

"EYY! You are always on that thing regularly. Have a break Taemin ah," Onew scolded.

"Exactly, Taemin," Key agreed.

"Hyung..." Minho suddenly defended, "let him. Then Taemin can help me turn off the TV."

Now the members were throwing the complaints at Minho. Sigh, he's so forgetful.

Eventually, I did turn back to the dorm. On the way, I was wondering what kind of responses readers had given for my stories so far. I felt that the quality of my writing has since dropped after promoting our recent album so the readers' opinions will help me improve my writing.

Near our dorm though, I noticed a young lady walking towards me. Problem was she was walking with difficulty...maybe I should...

"Ah!" she screamed as I watched her trip over the slippery pavement.

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