Opened Eyes

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Reality was waning on Lance's head for like twelve hours that day. And it just wouldn't give up. 

He was in SPACE. A paladin of none other than Voltron! And saving people's fucking lives. 

He was awesome! Well, maybe that was the case.

And recently just stepped up in his rank in Voltron. The red lions Paladin. The arm. Black's right-hand man. Literally (get it?) (he thought it was funny). 

But that meant he was Keith's side-kick, which was opening his eyes to many things recently. Maybe he should hate that he was lower than Keith, or even despise how much attention he wouldn't be getting. 

Outside, he did show this. At first, there was a bit of shame and hate towards the loss of his leadership. But now he didn't mind being the arm. 

That was a long explanation to say he didn't hate Keith anymore. In fact, he quite liked Keith. Maybe he was a little on the silent and moody type but Lance learned he could deal with that. 

That was the reality he didn't want to face. It was something he wouldn't be able to show. Not even admit to himself. 

"Girls don't like that, Lance."

"You were so cool before."

"You have vulnerability, like a normal person! How weird." 

To Lance, it was very important what people think. He was the lady's man, sharpshooter, awesome, Lance~ 

There was no one like him! And he certainly did NOT like Keith. 

Truly, Lance felt it was his job to keep the team in balance. And if that meant lightening the mood, or teasing Keith to keep reality in check, he would. 

Today wasn't looking too sharp. Everyone was working too hard, and it was obvious to Lance. He walked to the Common room, expecting to see Pidge and Hunk, and maybe convince them to do something interesting on this castle ship. Everything just seemed bland to him. 

Maybe that adds to the fact he feels like dead waste. 

After all, he isn't doing anything for the team. 

Eventually, when he did cross the hallway, he slipped passed a corner and found the entrance of the commons. But instead of simple silence or normal chatter, someone's loud voice boomed over the door and through the walls. It brought a shiver through Lance's spin as he stood outside, attempting to hear it all. 

"You just don't understand!" 

So Keith was the one yelling. Typical.

"I can't do this like him! I'm not cut out for this."

Oh no, of course, he felt he couldn't compare. Shiro was the best leader and he was just always alone. But every single day it was one distrusting himself, more insecurities and trying to get Shiro back. 

The whole thing just wasn't good for any of their mental health. 

"You have to focus on the task at hand." Allura's firm voice carried as well. And Lance looked around the hall, seeing as no one was outside or coming towards the fight they were probably in their rooms or actually in the commons. 

"There is no task without Shiro." His voice matched her austere tone, sending chills to Lance's hands. The yelling stopped, but the conversation wasn't over. Lance didn't want to see it, or hear it, or be anywhere near it. 

But after a few moments, he decided it was time to face the music, and settled a hand on the door. Watching it slide open with a clink of metal against metal, he walked into the room hands folded in his back pockets and his head down. Every face turned towards him, the conversation halted in an uncomfortable silence. 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 27, 2018 ⏰

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