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Ivy's POV

The morning had went extremely quick and let me tell you how it went;

I woke up at the same time as Mason, I wanted to talk about everything, he acted oblivious and just changed the subject. I wanted to ask about what was wrong the day before, he acted as if nothing happened the day before and he never acted angry or distant. 

Let's just say I was pissed off and I almost immediately texted Ezra to say I would follow through with his idea, I would try to get Mason jealous with him. I felt kind of bad about it but, I need to know if he actually likes me or not and at this point, this seems like the only way.

Right now, Ezra was coming over so we could plan what we would do, what rules there were and how far we would go with it. 

The doorbell rang loudly, breaking me from my thoughts of Mason. God, why did he have to be so complicated?

I quickly ran to the door, beating Jay to the door and gaining a look a Mason who sat on the sofa, looking towards the door, wondering who was there. I shot them both a wide smile before opening the door to reveal Ezra, I greeted him and took his hand, dragging him to my room while he said hello to Mason and Jay. 

I shut the door quickly and laughed as me and Ezra started to construct the plan, I was kind of excited. 

Mason's POV

I felt jealousy bubbling in my chest, I thought they were just friends? I hadn't even realised I was staring angrily towards the room Ivy and Ezra had disappeared into until Jay placed his hand on my shoulder and shook me out of my thoughts.

I looked down at the floor, my jealousy turning into disappointment at myself for avoiding talking to Ivy. 

"I fucked up Jay, I really fucked up." I muttered, running a hand through my hair and taking a deep breath. I looked up at Jay to find him looking down in confusion before realisation. 

"If this is about Ivy, be straight up with her, but I guess it might be too late if she has a thing going on with Ezra, try find out about it in case you fuck anything up." Jay explained to me, acting all wise. I do love that guy. I smiled up at him and stood up, bringing Jay into a hug. 

"Does this mean I have permission to fuck your sister?"

"Fuck off, cunt."


Hi this is rushed and a filler but tomorrow ill have a good chapter up I pRoMise

also thank you so much for all the comments and votes like, they're honestly my source of happiness ufctyeywu

@/bringbackwesley is my Instagram by the way ;) 


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