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Ivy's POV

I woke up and scanned my surroundings, smiling as I remembered where I was and sat up. I reached down to grab my phone, I checked the time and saw that I had only slept for roughly two hours.

I got out of the bed, quickly making it again and left the room, walking towards the kitchen. I noticed Mason sitting on one of the sofas. "Hey Mace," I smiled at him, I saw him jump the sound of my voice, not realising I was there.

"Oh, you're finally awake, I thought you died." He chuckled.

"Well thank you for the attempt of saving me." I replied jokingly, filling the glass I had grabbed, with water from the faucet. As I was drinking my water, Mason had come over and stood a few feet in front of me and smirked.

"Well I would give you mouth to mouth but Jay probably wouldn't appreciate it."

My eyes widened at his comment and I started choking on my water. I set down my glass of water on the counter and tried to breathe properly through my coughing fit. Mason stared at me with wide eyes and I eventually caught my breath. I smiled up at him through teary eyes and smiled,

"Water went down the wrong way."

He laughed at me before going back to where he was previously sitting. He motioned for me to sit with him and I walked over, being extra careful not to trip or knock into something.

I sat down, at least a meter away from him, gaining a weird look from the Youtuber. I smiled awkwardly at him and moved closer to him ever so slightly, mentally cursing herself for being so awkward around him.

After a few seconds of uncomfortable silence, that felt like hours, I told myself not to be so awkward around him, he's just a friend.

"You play on PlayStation?" I asked him, noticing the controller in his hand and the large screen displaying the Fortnite lobby.

"Yeah I'm trying, there's no use having a PlayStation and not playing it."

I nodded and we were engulfed by a thick silence once again. I looked over at Mason, I grabbed the controller from his hand and fought back the blush creeping up my neck from my hand brushing off his once again.

After a few minutes, Mason and I started talking, mainly him saying I was bad at the game since I had no clue how to work the controller. The awkwardness had completely disappeared and I was surprised at how comfortable I was around him.

After I got sick of getting killed, seconds into each game, I looked over at Mason with a pout on my face. "Can you show me how to work the controller?"

He looked over at me and laughed, he moved closer to me. He showed me which buttons were for what and adjusted my hands into the right position.

While he was doing this, all I could think about was the proximity of our faces and how close his body was to mine. My heart was beating faster than it should be and I could feel my hands starting to sweat.

I turned my head to look at him, that's when he noticed the closeness of our faces too. It took all my effort not to lean in and kiss him right there.

"Thanks." I smiled at him, refusing to look away from his bright blue eyes.
He smiled back at me, not speaking. I could feel his breathing and I knew he could tell how nervous I was in that moment.

Mason was the first to break eye contact, he jumped up off the sofa and told me he was going to the bathroom.

When he finally disappeared into his bathroom. I set the controller down and ran my hands through my hair, attempting to calm myself down.

he definitely knows I like him. what if its going to be awkward for the rest of the trip now? is he going to tell jay? should I tell jay? did that even mean anything?

I heard Mason's footsteps approaching the sofa once again and I quickly fixed my hair, I looked up at him and smiled.

"Ready to get a win?"


this chapters kinda late because I've just been sleeping for the past day and I'm sorry I'm just kinda stressed with the fact I have school next week edjxhwbe
and 350 reads? what the fuCk thank you so much??

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