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Ivy's POV

I eventually gave up on playing Fortnite, I wasn't getting anything done and I could be catching up on YouTube instead of wasting my time like this.

Once I worked up the energy, I got off my chair and walked over to my bed, grabbed my phone and plopped down onto my bed.
I had missed a call from Jay, a message from him, one from Ezra and one from.. Mason? I've never really texted him before. We usually just make fun of each other on streams and YouTube videos. Hm.

I decided it was best to get back to Jay first, he had messaged me saying to call him after I didn't answer so i assumed it was important.
I called him and he picked up almost straight away,

"Hello?" Jay greeted, I could hear him walking around and shuffling through things as well.

"Hey, what's up? Is everything alright?" I was quite confused by the urgency behind his text but then when he answered he seemed quite calm.

"Yeah, yeah I was just wondering if you were still coming over in like a week to look for an apartment in Melbourne. Mason finally cleared out his shit from the guest room so you can stay with us now for however long you'd like."

A grin stretched across my face, I had been dreading booking a hotel, stuff like that always stresses me out. And I haven't seen Jay in ages, I couldn't wait.

"Oh my god, really? Are you sure it's okay if I stay with you guys? Like, is Mason alright with it? I wouldn't want to intrude, you know?"

"Yeah, yeah Mason's fine with it, he can't wait to meet you in real life, I actually have to go but I'll text you later and we'll sort everything out alright?"

"Yeah, okay, thanks so much Jay, bye, bye."

I smiled as I walked into the kitchen, I was going to meet Mason in real life. I felt so giddy about it, I don't know why it's just so weird.
Speaking of Mason, I completely forgot he had texted me. I pulled my phone out of my back pocket and went onto Snapchat. Of course he had to message me here, the one app that gives you no heads up about what they're saying.

I stared at it for about five minutes and finally opened it.

'when are you coming to melbourne?'

I smiled when I read his text, I know it's basically nothing but, he wanted to know when I was coming. Does that mean he's looking forward to it?
I quickly responded, not wanting him to think I was leaving him on read.

'I'm coming on Tuesday, so like in 5 days'

That's when it hit me. I'm going to Melbourne in 5 days for possibly over two weeks and I haven't packed or gotten anything ready. Fuck.
I decided I would be fine, it's five days not hours. It's going to be fine. I hope.


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