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Hey guys!watch out for the subsequent chapters. Will they continue to undyingly love each other? Or will there be conflicts and misunderstandings?
         Watch out.
The day everyone was waiting for finally arrived.

The siren chimed and everyone woke up to take their shower excluding the four boys who had already woken up,as usual, anticipating.

Now it was time.⏱

The four boys before they left their rooms unbuttoned the first two buttons of their shirt and made their way for the graduation premises,where the graduates were given mortar boards and a graduation gown each.

They all took their seats and the ceremony began.

"Good Morning Ladies and Gentlemen,renowned guests,students and our dearest graduates. This is the 100th graduation ceremony of this great institution and I deem it a great honor to stand before you today to welcome you all. Without much ado, I'll like to welcome on stage our guest speaker for today,she is a mother of two..."

"Ugh!!Just mention her name already."Lesley said softly.

"Erm...Lesley...she's about to mention my mum's name." Cyril reminded Lesley.

"Ow!"Lesley said looking somewhat taken aback.

"...wife to a loving husband,the first richest woman in Sweden and I'll say no further cause her name says it all. Please help me welcome with a big round of applause,...Miss Canyfa Dollar."

Everyone stood up and clapped as she majestically walked up

"It's good to be here..."

She smiled at the hubbub of the crowd before she continued,"Right now the paparazzi's are taking so many pictures of me...they're making shy."

Everyone laughed,then she continued,"Thank you Principal Kanye for the introduction, I wouldn't like to bore you with a long speech so I'm just gonna make it quick and snappy."

She smiled at Cyril before she continued,"Life after today ain't gon be easy. In order for you to make it you gotta keep your eyes on the prize and don't be taken away by the world. There's this theory I formulated back in school. It's called the BCD Dollar theory. How to be humble,rich and successful,all in one package.
The B stands for Boldness, it tells you that at all times you have to take the big decisions and stick with them. The C stands for confidence. In the outside world people are always gonna persuade you from your purpose and discourage you, but you always have to believe in your self and stay on track. And finally the D which stands for determination.
Nobody reaches the top without determination. You always gotta look up to the sky and tell yourself that until I get there,I ain't stopping nor going back. And when you get there, it doesn't mean stop or go down it means you can go higher and get better. I'm not saying be a workaholic cause that can be dangerous sometimes like the saying goes, "All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy". But also remember"All play and no work makes Jack a mere toy."Do you wanna play with the lions or the cubs? It's your choice.
Yet again my name is Canyfa Dollar. Thank you all for listening."

Immediately she ended everyone stood up and applauded.

What a great speech. I myself was touched.😭

Now it was time to share the certificates and give the awards out.

Principal Kanye walked up the stage and said,"Thank you Miss Dollar for the blissful speech. You brought a lot to tears....Well, to the moment we've all been waiting for... The certificate and award presentation. We'll call upon Miss Dollar again to do us the honors."

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