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                   NORMAL POV.
The siren chimed and everyone got out of bed. They all rushed to class after getting dressed.

                  GERMAN CLASS.
Everyone sat down and Ms Kendra said,"I'm going to call Devon and Cyril up here to give us a preview of the project work I'll be giving you. You'll come up here two days from today and converse with the person I'll pair you with as if that were your first time meeting. If you fail to cooperate, you'll not enjoy your vacation with the others. Now Cyril and Devon,please come in front and converse as if you guys just met in Germany... Meaning, no English". Ms Kendra walked to her seat and continued,"If you don't understand anything,ask me". Devon and Cyril walked to the front of the class and Cyril started,"Wie ist ihr nam?". and Devon replied,"Mein nam ist Devon Cruzy". Cyril then continued, "Wie alt sind sie?" and Devon answered,"Ich bin 22 jahre alt". "Chutz". Cyril finally said and Devon added," Bisbad". They turned facing Miss Kendra and the whole class saw a gleam of amusement in her eyes as she stood up and applauded. The whole class just looked puzzled and also clapped. Devon and Cyril walked back to their seat and Ms Kendra continued her lesson.

The bell was soon rang and everyone left the classroom and headed to the cafeteria. The four boys and girls' sat at their usual spot in the cafeteria and ate their food. The principal walked up to their table with Keisha standing by her. At the sight of that,Damien stopped eating and  looked at them. The principal stood in front of Damien and said,"I thought I made it crystal clear to you that you two are not to be seen anywhere together".

Immediately the principal said that,everyone kept quiet and listened to what was going on. Damien crossed his legs and looked at the principal saying,"So...what Am I supposed to do now. Instead of you coming to me and asking me nicely and politely to explain my reason for going against your 'so called rules',you sit in your office and listen to any trash people like Keisha tell you".

The principal's jaw dropped in astonishment. She crossed her hands against her chest and hissed, "I demand respect from you,Damien Cruzy. Do you think because your dad is the owner of Cruzy Palace,one of the share holders of this school and also one of the prominent people in this country so you can talk to me anyhow and neglect my rules".

" I also demand respect from you? Ms Merre. Do you also think because you're the principal of this school and I'm a student so you can talk to me anyhow and neglect my rights as a human?". Damien snapped. The principal hit her hand on the table and yelled,"Shut up!Damien Shut up! And show me some respect ". Damien immediately hit his hand on the table very hard and stood up and said between gritted teeth," You don't wanna see me angry Miss Merre. And I'm  sorry I can't show you any respect. I've been quiet for way too long but now, you're gonna listen to me. You have your rules and I have my rights. Respect my rights and I'll respect your rules. Do opposite,and I'll do likewise. This is a school not an asylum. You can't deny my rights and expect me to abide by your rules. This is how we do it in a normal school".

Immediately Damien said that,someone shouted, "THIS IS HOW WE DO IT!". Then everyone in the cafeteria continued singing the song,"THIS HOW WE DO IT" The drummers and beat makers remove their food from their tray and used it to make beats. The dancers danced while the rest clapped to the song. After a while of listening to the song, the principal blew a whistle repeatedly making everyone keep quiet and sit down. "Alright Damien,it looks like you won. I'm going to allow you to hang out with Mccarcy but if you go against any of my rules again,I'll detain you both". The principal said and stormed out of the cafeteria. Keisha sat down angrily and everyone continued eating.

Damien let out a sigh and Devon said, "I just pray you don't get into trouble". Mccarcy put her hand on Damien's hand and said," Thanks again... For defending me". Damien looked at Mccarcy and smirked at her retort.

The bell was rang and everyone went back to their classrooms. In history class, Damien sits by Karen, Devon sits by Stephanie, Fredinal sits by Yvonne, Lesley sits by Lyric,Cyril sits by Jesse, Mccarcy sits by Justin,Cindy sits by Dilan and Emily sits by William. The History Don,Mr Clarkman walked into the class and said,"I heard that one if my students,Damien Cruzy,spoke rudely to the principal. Can I please see him up standing". Damien slowly stood up and said,"I was defending my rights and...Mccarcy". "Oh!so now you've become a lawyer and a superhero. Right?Protecting and defending the rights of citizens just that in this  case,the citizen you're protecting and defending is one person". Mr Clarkman said.

Damien bowed his head down looking somewhat abashed and Mr Clarkman continued," This should be your first and last,I don't want to hear any of such news ever again. You can sit down now". Immediately Damien sat  down, someone yelled from the back,"Eii superman!". The whole class chuckled at his retort and Mr Clarkman asked angrily,"Which twit said that?". The  whole class became quiet all of a sudden and Mr Clarkman repeated himself but no one said anything. "Go down on your knees... Now!" Mr Clarkman yelled.

The whole class stared at him thinking he was joking but when he frowned,they complied. Immediately the class knelt down,William stood up and confessed, "I said that... I'm the twit who said that". After hearing what he said,Mr Clarkman asked the class to sit down and said to William,"Follow me". William tucked his shirt in his trousers and followed Mr Clarkman. Immediately they left the class,the four boys' and girls' went back to sitting by each other.

When Mr Clarkman came back to the class,the bell was rang. Everyone rushed out of the class not even caring if Mr Clarkman got pushed or not. When they got to the cafeteria,Mr Clarkman also got there. He cleared his throat and yelled to the hearing of everyone in the cafeteria,"All students in A2 class,meet me after break in the Isolation room. At the sound of that, everyone in A2 including the four boys' and girls' stopped eating and murmured," Hmm?". Mr Clarkman looked at them and bit out,"If you think you have more authority than I do,don't come and I'll show you my ugly face".

"I thought we were looking at it".Justin murmured and everyone laughed. After their break was over, everyone in A2 class rushed to the Isolation room thinking Mr Clarkman would be waiting for them. But they were taken aback when they saw William sitting down comfortably while watching 'The kissing booth'. Everyone quickly sat down and watched the movie with him.

During the course of their watching, Mr Clarkman walked in and said,"I guess I forgot to take the TV remote. Well,anyways, you'll be working here for a week,that is until vacation. When you learn to respect, you'll be set free. Of course that's at the end of the week. This is the consequence of your actions". They all nodded in response cause he was distracting them.

           ------END OF CHAPTER 7------

The consequence of disrespect is serious but it seems like they don't really care...keep reading, ACCIDENTAL CRUSH.

Love y'all. PEACE ✌. I'M OUT.

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