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It's vacation day. The siren chimed and everyone woke up. Today the siren chimed earlier than usual because everyone has to pack their stuff,bid their goodbyes,listen to a seminar in the assembly hall and wait for their parents.

"I can't believe time has flown by so fast. I'll really miss this school". Lesley said picking his dresses from his closet". " Apparently, I thought this school will be terribly awful but it turned out to be awesomely awesome".Fredinal added. "I'm really going to Miss Kendra and Mr Clarkman". Devon said zipping his suitcase. "You know guys,the person I'm going to miss the most is the principal and her 'rules'. Damien ended the conversation. The boys chuckled and continued packing.
* * * * * * * * *

When it was 6:00AM,everyone got out of their dorms with their suitcases. They all met at the assembly hall and bid their final goodbyes.

" I still can't believe we're going on a vacation so soon".Lesley stated. "Yeah! I can't believe it either but what can we do?We just have to enjoy it while it lasts". Emily said smiling. Lesley put his hand on Emily's hand which was on her suitcase and said with a smirk plastered on his face," I guess you're right". When they noticed the principal coming, they immediately removed their hands and walked to their seats. As they were walking, Lesley asked, "You have my phone number and house address right?". Emily looked at Lesley and answered," Yeah". They both sat down next to each other and held hands.

"You know honestly, I was very angry when my dad decided to bring my brothers and I to this school but when I saw you in the cafeteria that day,I figured out that my stay might just be worthwhile". Fredinal said dragging his suitcase into the assembly hall. Fredinal took Cindy's suitcase and offered to drag it for her. Cindy looked at Fredinal and said," Thanks... you know,I was also angry when you and your brothers didn't come up to the food stand and collect your food but rather sat down. But when I gazed into your eyes,I figured out that I might even enjoy your stay". When they entered the assembly hall, Fredinal stopped in his tracks and asked,"You have my phone number and house address right?". Cindy looked at Fredinal and nodded in response then Fredinal continued, "Then I think you enjoyed my stay". Cindy smiled at him and said," Oh yeah!I did". They both chuckled and sat down next to each other.

"Just when our story was getting interesting,we have to cut it short". Mccarcy said removing her books from her locker. " You have my phone number and house address so we ain't cutting it short". Damien said helping Mccarcy carry her books.

Immediately they entered the assembly hall, Keisha run and hugged Damien. Just when Damien was about to let go of her embrace,Mr Clarkman gave him a wry smile. So in order not to get into further trouble,he hugged her back.

Before Mccarcy could even think of leaving,Damien clasped Mccarcy's hand. After he hugged Keisha, he looked at Mccarcy with a smirk plastered on his face and said, "You know while I was hugging her,I was thinking of you". Mccarcy rolled her eyes at his retort and Damien chortled.

" So now,you've proven to your brothers that you can ask me any question you want". Cyril said locking her locker. "Yeah...apparently. They were quite surprised when I told them". Devon added and continued," Since you have my phone number and house address, I can continue proving to them that I have the guts to ask you any question I want". They both chuckled as they walked to the assembly hall.

As they were walking, they met Justin and Stephanie and Stephanie said,"I thought you guys said you weren't dating?". "That was before" Devon said. Justin looked at Cyril and asked,"So,now you're dating?". Cyril smiled and answered, "Yes". They all walked to the assembly hall and took their seats.

ACCIDENTAL CRUSHNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ