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                 NORMAL POV
During class,Mccarcy and Damien looked so sleepy. The three boys and girls just stared at them wondering what was going on.

                  3 BOYS' POV
"I'm beginning to smell a rat. We have to find out what's going on".Lesley suggested. "I think you're right,they don't look like they had any sleep yesterday"Fredinal said focusing his attention back to Ms Kendra who was busily teaching. " I agree". Devon disclosed.

                  3 GIRLS' POV
"What's wrong with Mccarcy?" She's been dozing since she came to class". Cindy said holding her chin. "She probably didn't sleep last night".Cyril chimed in. "... Or was she with Damien?... Cause Damien also looks like he didn't have any sleep. Wait, but she hates his guts or has she been pretending?... Well,let's just wait till break". Emily concluded the discussion.

Ms Kendra shared some papers and said,"On those papers I've given you are questions you are to answer...orally". She picked one of the papers and read," Number 1:Gutën Tag,Sie isst mittagasen order Das Junge essen brot?". Cyril raised her hand and answered, "Sie isst mittagassen,meaning She eats lunch and lunch is eaten in the afternoon". Ms Kendra applauded and continued,"Gutën Morgën,Das Junge trinkt tee order Sie essen brot?". Devon raised his hand and answered," Both". "...And both in German is?" Miss Kendra asked chuckling. Devon shrugged his shoulders indicating he didn't know. The whole class chortled and Ms Kendra continued, "Okay,well I teach you later". As the lesson went on,Mccarcy and Damien were fast asleep,forgetting that they were even on planet earth. The bell was soon rang and everyone left the class. The three boys and girls sat by Damien and Mccarcy and threw all the questions they wanted to ask to them". Mccarcy and Damien took a deep breath and explained everything to them. Even though they explained everything to them, the questions were still pilling up.

Before Mccarcy and Damien could answer any of their questions, the principal walked in and said," What is this I'm hear you  guys are doing?... Going against school rules, staying up late at night,going on dates?...This is not the first time Keisha has reported something of that sort to me. If I ever hear any of such news again, you won't like me". Emily crossed her hands against her chest and whispered, "Of course it was her...that slut!". The principal walked to the door and said," I don't want to see you guys together... nevertheless alone". She walked out of the class and shut the door behind her. Before any of them could say a word,the bell was rang. Mccarcy picked her books and before Damien could stop her,she sat by Dilan. Damien put his head on the table and closed his eyes. Just when Damien was raising his head,he saw Keisha approach him. She sat seductively by him and Mr Perkins, the science Don began  his lesson. He picked out a piece of paper from his bag and said,"I've been told by the principal to change the groupings of some of you. I know it will slow down your work but I have no choice". He looked at Mccarcy and Damien and continued, "Damien, please move to Justin's group. Mccarcy, please move to Jesse's group. I'll be expecting the work latest by Friday".When he was done with  his lesson, he picked his bag and walked out of the class.

                BOYS' DORM
" Sorry bro!Better luck next time". Lesley said unpacking  his books. "I think I have a way for you guys to see each other without anyone finding  out. Not even...the slut". Fredinal stated. Devon raised his eyebrow and said," And by slut you mean...oh yeah,Keisha!". The boys laughed and Fredinal continued, "Dad is building,well it's already built but it needs some finishing touches before we can say 'built'. Okay back to what I was saying, You see the vacant parking lot/garage behind the school,well,dad turned it into the next Disney land. Except  its called Cruzy Palace. The grand opening is next week. The only people who know about this place are the board of directors and  I, so I don't want you guys to go around telling people, especially you,Lesley". "Whatever... But why did dad tell you and not us?".Lesley said pointing at his brothers. "ERM...because I know how to keep secrets". Fredinal stated in a matter of fact tone. "Okay, so I'll tell Mccarcy". Damien said wearing his shoe. Fredinal immediately looked at Damien and said, "NO!If you meet up with her now, you'll get into more trouble. So, let me tell Cindy so she'll tell her friends and they'll cover up for her. I'm sure by this time Cindy will be in the library. DON'T talk to Mccarcy until I tell you to do so. Just stay put and let me do what I do".
*     *      *     *     *       *      *     *      *       *
  When the time was due,Mccarcy met Damien at Cruzy Palace. The view was just breathtaking. The breeze was cool and it just felt like their escapism. They sat on one of the benches there and all they could feel was the fresh,cool air blowing. Mccarcy got cold so Damien removed his jacket and put it around her. He put his hand around her neck and pulled her closer to keep her warm. They soon got tired of sitting on the bench and decided to lay on the lawn. They stared at the sky and admired the moon and the stars. Damien turned facing Mccarcy and asked," Why were you being so rude to me during the trip?".

Mccarcy turned facing Damien and answered, "ERM...let's just say,behind my tough facade,I'm a soft wimp". Damien chuckled and said," I don't think you're a soft wimp. I think you're cute and you're not so tough. What you just need is a bad boy who can tame you". They both chuckled and gazed back at the sky. "And I'm guessing that 'bad boy' is you?" Mccarcy asked. "Uhmm". Damien simply replied. Damien held Mccarcy's hand and they continued gazing at the sky.

Since it was almost midnight, they had to go back to their dorms. Damien stood up and helped Mccarcy up. They walked hand-in-hand to their dorms while talking. Upon seeing them,Cindy slowly got out of bed,and walked to the restroom. She helped Mccarcy up the window and asked," You're late. How did it go?". Mccarcy sighed and answered, "I'll tell you later". They left the restroom and went to bed.

           ----END OF CHAPTER 5-----

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. Please keep your votes and comments coming. ESPECIALLY your comments,I'm really interested in that.


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