Chapter 1--THE GENESIS

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                      LESLEY'S POV

Sheesh!Going to school. I'm sure by this time my brothers are awake cause the siren just chimed. (My brothers wake up before the siren chimes). When I got downstairs, I saw my brothers talking to my dad.

My dad asked us to leave quickly cause we were already late. We took the car keys and sat in Damien's Lamborghini Aventador since we took the Huracán yesterday.
     Oh!Pardon me I forgot to introduce. We are four children,all boys. I'm the last born. Damien is the oldest,followed by Fredinal and Devon. We are quadruplets . Before we left the house,we all settled in the living room.

I was holding my notebook of course,not reading,while Fredinal,Devon and Damien ate their breakfast. Damien has the bad boy look,Fredinal has the play boy look,Devon has the  serious bookworm boy look and I have the innocent boy look. Well,that's what people say. But if you really know me,I don't act like that. My dad is Mr. Daniel Cruzy and we are the CRUZY family.

                 NORMAL POV.
When the four boys got to school,they rushed to the janitor and demanded for the principal's office keys. The janitor refused but they insisted. Damien immediately grabbed the janitor's collar and hit his back against the wall.

Damien's smirk alone was enough to make him shudder. "Okay,fine I'll give you her keys just don't hurt me". The janitor cried out as he tried hard to loosen Damien's grip.

Damien dropped the janitor on the floor and snatched the keys from him. They quickly went to principal's office and the three boys which is Devon excluded,took their dossier from Miss Kent's office.(The principal).

Devon didn't want to involve himself in what they were doing but it seems like his brothers know how to make his 'yes' a 'no' and his 'no' a 'yes'. They went to their class and took their seats.

As the lesson was ongoing, the principal called out their names through the speakers and as their names were mentioned,they walked out of the class. When they got to Ms Kent's office, they where taken aback by who they saw sitting next to her desk. ''Please take a seat and explain this to me". Ms Kent said as she  showed them a footage of them entering her office.

I guess they forgot all about the security cameras. She took a deep breath and directed her attention to Mr. Cruzy who was clearly aghast by what he saw and said," If you don't get your kids under control, you'll leave me with no choice but to either put them in isolation or expel them from this school".

Ms Kent looked at the four boys and continued," In that dossier that you stole are your records and since you know they aren't good,you decided to steal them so I won't send it to the disciplinary committee.
Well,sorry to burst your bubbles but they have an extra copy. You all should be ashamed of yourselves...well except from you, Devon,you didn't actually do anything. I don't even know why you've been caught up in this mess".

Mr. Cruzy took a deep breath and said,"Erm... I'll think about it and when I'm done, I'll give you a call. Ms Kent stood up from her seat and shook Mr Cruzy in agreement.

My Cruzy and his sons,walked out of her office with their hands shoved in their pockets and headed to the car. "You can leave your car here,the chauffeur will come for it...I'm thinking of sending you guys to a boarding school". Mr Cruzy said as he unlocked his car. " WHAT!!!". The boys said in unison.

They all entered the car and Mr. Cruzy drove off. Damien touched Mr. Cruzy on the shoulder and said, "Dad please, you can't do this. We love this school". Mr Cruzy slowly removed Damien's hand from his shoulder and said,"I don't think people destroy what they love and besides,that's my decision and since you don't pay bills or work for a living,I have the final say.Even though I don't want to, I have no choice. I just knew this day was gonna come someday." Mr. Cruzy sighed and continued,"Everything has been prepared when we get home,you go straight to your rooms and pack your things,we'll be leaving tomorrow. You guys have caused me more harm than a normal person should".

When they got home,they went to their rooms and put on their television. (They have this app on their TV which helps them to communicate with each other face-to-face with no hindrances. Something like a video conference).

                    FREDINAL'S POV
"Oh my God!". I yelled." What on earth is dad  thinking of?What the Hell?I can't go to a boarding school. The fact that they even sleep in the school is disgusting. NO!NO!NO!I'm certainly not going to that Godforsaken school. If I set a foot in that damn school, change my name to Bunny or something'' I shrieked.

                DEVON'S  POV
"Fred cool down. Everything will be fine. I think we should just give dad some time to think about it. Its probably his anger that led him to saying those things. By tomorrow morning, I'm sure we'll go back to our old school. Just calm down and everything will be okay.

                   NORMAL POV
The boys lay on their beds and took a nap. When they woke up, they headed  to their dad's room."What are you guys doing here?".Mr Cruzy asked with astonishment written all over his face. Devon looked at his brothers and stuttered, "I,I...I mean we,we came to ask if you were serious about what you said in the car". Mr Cruzy leaned against the wall and said," Yes,I was very serious... why did I look like I was joking?and By the way,are you guys done packing?". " Of course dad. Why would you think we haven't  packed" Lesley said with uncertainty evident in his tone. The boys rushed back to their rooms and put their television back on.

                  DEVON'S POV
"Okay, I was wrong. He wasn't kidding. He's deadly serious. I think we should apologize maybe he'll change his mind. Anyways,I'm packing my things before he gets more begrudged and decides to send us to an Isolation boarding school
You guys can choose not to go but some way some how we'll end up there. This is what I get for following you guys. Maybe we might even enjoy ourselves there.

                  LESLEY'S POV
"I can't wait to call you Bunny" I teased Fredinal. "I'm sure we'll be fine there. Hey!maybe you might even meet the girl of your dreams." I closed the topic.

               --------END OF CHAPTER 1-------

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