Orginal Work | Gone

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  "It's quite nice here, isn't, brother?" Thor sighed, sitting on one of the many hills on the outskirts of Wakanda. "It's quiet, I think you'd like it,"
  Thor looked up at the sky, watching the sun set over the skyline. It truly was beautiful; the orange-purple sky complemented the silver shine of the city below it. Though Wakanda had advanced more than any other country in the world, it still retained the animalistic spirit it had when it started. Not to far away from the city, Thor could see an antelope group leap across a valley miles away. What a breathtaking sight: an industrialist city surrounded by pure nature.
  "You know, this reminds me of Asgard a bit. The sunsets were always wonderful there," he gave a small laugh and looked to his side. There sat a small snake. Upon seeing the reptile, he felt relief wash over him. "I know that's you, brother. I'm..I'm glad no harm was put upon you," he laughed once again as he wiped a tear away. "That was quiet the trick, I actually believed it this time,"

  Loki day next to Thor, feeling extreme guilt grow as he watched Thor talk to the snake. He'd already tried putting a hand on his brother's shoulder, but to no avail.
  "Thor.." he whispered. Even if he was alive, Thor would have a hard time hearing.

  "You can come out of that form whenever you like, Loki. I'm not upset,"

  "I'm here, not that thing," Loki said, desperation in his voice. Norns, how he wish he could just, say something that his brother could hear. Anything. He watched as Thor gave a sad smile, looking up at the sunset again.

  "Okay, if you want to stay like that, I'll wait for you. After all, I rather like snakes," Thor watched the last sliver of sun

  "I'm not here!" Loki cried, tears streaming down his face. He tried to shake Thor, but his hands glided right past his shoulders. Finally giving up, Loki sank to the ground next to his elder, pulling up his knees and crying into them. "I'm..I'm not here.."

A short one; 361 words

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