"And you want, me?! A human to feed them my own kind?!"

"If you lose the bet. Though, I'm sure you will."

"Am not!"

Namjoon said.

"Oh yeah? How about me, what should I do if I lose?"

Though, Junmyeon was sure he'll win.

"Um.. Look for a new creature as your pet."

"That'll be hard."

Namjoon shrugged.

"Anyways, I'll call Jin and-"



"Yeah, no!"

Namjoon yelled. Junmyeon picked on his ear, hurting too much from Namjoon's loud voice.

"Its okay, he won't harm you."

"And how would you-"

"We've been through this, Namjoon."

Namjoon pouted and looked away. Junmyeon let out a breathy chuckle.

"I'll bring you to him."


"He's probably laying face flat on his bed."

Junmyeon said, ignoring Namjoon's protests. He pulled onto the human's wrist and laughed hearing Namjoon's loud yelling.




"Why are they here? Will Jungkook be okay? Are you sure he won't get hurt? What if they throw something at him? Oh my god-- look, they went closer to him!"

Yoongi panicked as he watched Jungkook blankly talking to his fellow demons. Yoongi watched from the window worried for his now, fianceé.

"He needs more guards!"

Yoongi yelled as he started shaking the guard beside him. The demon chuckled.

"Its okay, Yoongi-sshi, our highness will be able to handle it."

"W-why?! Why are they here?!"

"Hmm.. Usually they brage in the castle if there is a problem or they have a request."

Yoongi frowned and kept his eyes outside. He can see Jungkook clenching his jaw along with his fist.

"What do you think? Like, why are they here?"

Asked Yoongi. The guard hummed.

"From the looks of their face, they are probably requesting something."

Yoongi hummed. The guards eyes widen as he sees the demons trying to push through the guards that was in front of them.

"That has never happened.."

The guard muttered. Yoongi gulped as he starts to see smoke coming out of Jungkook's body.

"Our highness is probably trying hard to compose himself.."

"What is happening?! Why are they trying to get in here?!"

Yoongi panicked. The guard shrugged and opened the window to hear the commotion. Yoongi's and the guards eyes widen hearing what the demons were yelling.

"Your highness, we heard you have a human in there!"

"I'll give you everything I have if you sell him or her to me!"

"Your highness, my children needs experience with eating a human! Please give me the human!"

"Why are you keeping him?!"

"Its been hundreds of years! Please give me the human!"

"Your highness, what is that human to you-"

The guard closed the window. He stared at Yoongi who suddenly looked pale. The guard took him away from the window and brought him to Jungkook's room.

"H-how did they find out..?"

"We do not know.."

"Check if Jungkook's okay!"

The guard shaking his head.

"No can do, our highness wants me to stay with you and protect you. Looking at those demons, they'll do anything to come in here and get you."

Yoongi shivered and sighed. He then looked up seeing more guards coming towards him. He gulped fearing for his life.

"Quick, some demons have sneaked behind the castle. They are in here. We need to protect Yoongi."

There were now fifteen guards including the one who was with Yoongi. They all pushed him in the bedroom and locked the room. Yoongi's eyes started to tear up as he heard loud commotion from outside of the room.

"Yoongi-sshi, it's going to be okay."

One guard said. Yoongi nodded but sobbed as he heard screams making him jump. Ten guards were blocking the door in case they barge in, and five with Yoongi in the middle of Jungkook's room.

"I'm scared..."

Yoongi whispered, tears were spilling down onto his cheeks. A guard soothed him by patting his back.

"I smell human flesh in here!"

A demon growled from behind the door. Yoongi's heart beat quickened. The ten guards got their swords out ready to slaughter demons. There were hands clawing and banging onto the door as disgusting groaning were heard.

Yoongi felt the five guards circle around him. His breath hitched, his eyes shut tight as he heard the door banged opened. He blocked his ears from fear with his hands.

He felt the five guards gradually pull away from his body making him shake as he doesn't feel safe anymore. Yoongi squeaked as he felt a cold hand grab one of his hands that were covering his ear.




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