Message From the Author

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If you've made it this far, thank you very much. You have read approximately 43000 words of my work. I appreciate every last one of you more than you can ever know. In other words: you have my thanks. No, really. To have gotten this far must have been actual feat. You can skip this if you want if you feel the need to read on.

But if you want to stay for a little but, I have some questions.

1: What do you like the most about Isla? 

2: What do you like the most about Erik?

3: Is there anything you dislike about certain characters?

4: Is there a character you want to see more of?

5: Who do you think the main villain of the plot will be?

6: Was anything confusing at all?

And that's really it. If you decided to finish this, you have twice the amount of thanks that I'd given you in the beginning of this note.

At any rate, don't expect too many of these. Enjoy the book!

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