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This is a changelog meant for my reference and reader reference. This is here so you don't need to re-read as I slog my way through the first draft, changing plot points as I go. (I'm writing this by the seat of my pants, so expect quite a bit of changes as I press forward.) Check this after every post to see if something shows up!

Without further ado, here goes.


Erik's mother ran away from home, but not with the family's fortune. (She left for reasons not revealed yet.) Chapter 2.1 has been changed to reflect this change. As well as chapter 3 when Erik's life is flashing before him during his 'countdown'.

Chapter 13 has been extended with an abridged version of a chapter 14 I wrote. Originally, I'd wanted to include Alaric's POV, but that would have given too much away. (So, from this point, we're sticking with alternating POV.)


Some plot details redacted in chapter 15. (About Erik's father's familiarity with Alaric. I'd rather have Erik risk seeking Alaric's help on his own.)


Some details about Erik's father's burial redacted in chapter 15 for continuity reasons. (For a plot twist's sake, which correlates with the magic system slowly being introduced around the aspect of souls.)

Detail about the Unseelie Court redacted in chapter 5.

We are now told directly that Isla's mother is Morrigan in chapter 10.

Some wordings about the faerie courts manipulated to be less conspicuous until their definitions are explicitly given later on.


Erik's father no longer requests that his son burns down the inn, but requests that he buries him in proximity to it.


Pooka has an additional condition on the deal he made in his story in chapter 12.


Sorcha's chapter changed so that the plothole concerning faebreaker equipment is filled. (Sorcha does not tackle Isla to the ground anymore, but instead, merely approaches her when she feels Isla has given up running away.)  


Various corrections made concerning the style of swords portrayed. (Claymores, let alone zweihanders, would be handled bare, never in a sheath.) 

^ For all the changes made:

MacGregor's weapon type has been changed to a longsword. (Which fits the sheath scenario just fine.)

Sorcha's interactions changed in accordance to her claymore weapon of choice.

Lesie's interactions changed in accordnace to her zweihander weapon of choice.

If I've left any text that defies any of the above changes, let me know.


Isla's influence over the lake's waters in chapter 1 changed. (Due to magic system reasons, she should not have this, and this was morre me prototyping the concept. Thankfully, this is an easy fix. She sort of just walks out of the water now, and Feena and Charles' locations are altered accordingly.)

Better transition into Charles full ensorcellment.


Isla's dialogue toned down a bit in chapter 1 and 8.


Some remnant text concerning the 'each-uisge' deleted in chapter 10. 


Fae glamouring is now also related to soul sorcery (so it is very much a subsystem to the primary magic system now). (Clarifying lines added in the interlude and chapter 23. This also effectively fills the plot hole in the interlude where Aedan should have just been able to fly up to the cathedral. Disharmony disrupts shapeshifting and most other innate fae abilities. Given the sheer amount of it in Hillford, Aedan's shuffling through the crowd is perfectly fine.) Some of these aspects will be explained in greater detail as the narrative continues.

Also, there have been 'a lot' of smaller edits throughout the entire narrative. I'd originally listed them, but there's so many, that I thought against it. The story will still make sense as you read, some information has just been shifted around, or changed, or redacted.


Aedan now shifts into a raven instead.

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Oct 18, 2018 ⏰

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