"Hey did you guys hear about what happened in Fargo," she asks, we shake our heads. "Well apparently people are acting up and attacking anyone they see, it's all over the news look." She says pulling out her phone to show us.

People are running all over the place as others with big red bloodshot eyes go after them. Police are shooting at the attackers but all they do is not them back and they keep moving. Zombies, " is this a joke please tell me you are joking," I say looking at Kaitlyn.

"I'm not joking it was on this morning on every news channel, people are turning into zombies." She says I shrug it off giving her a small smile as I believe her.

Pondering her words I make my way to my exam. Can this be real, can zombies be walking among us?
"Everybody stays in your classrooms until further notice, multiple dangerous assailants have entered the building. Do not leave your classroom-" the PA speakers cut off.

Sprinting down the halls I make my way to Kaitlyn and Jen's class. Bursting through the door everyone looks up at me confused.
"Kaitlyn, Jen," I say into the class, their heads pop up from the exam, and I let out a breath.

"Ya, what's up?" Jen asks moving over to me.

"Just wanted to make sure you guys were okay, the PA announces-" I stop, Something doesn't smell right. Sniffing I turn towards the door

"Kaindra what's wrong?" Kaitlyn asks joining Jen and me at the door.

"Something not right," I say turning to look out the door.

"What? Come on nothing wrong-" I cut Jen off raising my hand. The smell of dead flesh makes it to my senses.

Slowly walking out the door I head to the source of the smell. Walking to the stairs I peer over the banister, the sight knocks the wind out of me. Every person in the commons is dead, or at least I think they are. Jen gasps causing all the zombie's heads to turn up to where we are standing. Dozen red bloodshot eyes stare up at us before animal snarls emit from their mouths and we are sent running.

"Stay in your room and do not leave, no matter what" I order stopping in their class doorway.

"But what about you?" Jen asks a terrified look in her eyes.

"I will be fine, I will lead them away then come back for you," I say handing them my backpack. They nod reluctantly but close the door and move to the back of the class.

Turning to the sound of shuffling feet, zombies turn the corner. Spotting me they move at a fast walk. Slowly moving back I turn and move down the hall at a slow jog. Moving out of their sight I hide in the stairwell. Taking out my phone I begin to play a song. Slowly I lower my phone to the first floor, making sure the music echoes I prop the doors open and disappear.

The zombies move faster at the loud sound. Once they get below me I make needles with some ice and drop them on top of their heads. Reappearing I walk back into the hallway, stopping in my spot I turn around. Slowly zombies' heads come into view. No, I punctured the skull they should be dead for real now.

Making a sword I move towards the zombies. One last idea pops into my mind, with all the strength my vampire body can muster. I drive my blade through the closest zombie's neck decapitating it. As the zombie falls to the ground I move on to the next one. Getting into the movements my body moves into a trained dance.

Blood splattered I move back to assess my work. Not one zombie is left alive. Quickly I vamp around the school checking every entry and exit, hall and room for a zombie. Once satisfied I go back to my friend's class.

"Kaindra are you okay? What happened? Why are you so bloody? What was-" I cover Jen's mouth cutting her off.

"I'm okay this is not my blood, I took care of the zombies. Okay, we have to get everyone that is still alive into the commons, okay?" I say reassuringly.

She nods, slowly backing up I speak to the class. "Everyone, we need to go to the commons Ms. Mora right?" I ask facing the teacher, and she nods. "Can you go into the office and call all the classes down into the commons, and please keep them calm we don't need people exaggerating or having panic attacks?" I ask.

"Yes I can do that, but what will you be doing?" Ms. Mora asks.

"I am going to be getting any supplies I can from the classes, I am also going to need a team with me, any volunteers?" I ask.

My friends raise their hands, I smile in thanks as a few more people raise their hands. "Thank you, we need to start now so we can get as much as we can," I say.

Walking out the door my team starts to turn to the left "not that way it's clear" I say grabbing some of their arms.

They all look at me and then turn back looking down the hall. Blood starts to drip down the windows and pool in the hall. Their faces blanch and slowly start moving the other way. Walking into the commons every person in the group has arm fulls and multiple backpacks full of supplies. Moving to an open table we all dump the supplies into the table and move to the café.

"What are you doing?" A girl says everyone in the commons stays a far distance away from the blood.

"Getting food, what else would we be doing?" I ask nonchalantly.

"Oh," she says going back to whatever she was doing before. We quickly clean out all the cooked and long-lasting food.
Moving back to the table we drop the food on the table. Turning around I clap loudly catching everyone's attention.

"Okay everyone we are going to need you all to go and grab your backpacks or a backpack so we can start packing supplies," I say loudly unwilling to argue everyone moves into groups scared to be alone.

The rest of the people who already have theirs help me sort the supplies and food equally into piles so that everyone can just walk up and grab them. Once everyone has their supplies with their gym clothes in case of emergency, I start to stuff my empty bag with extra first AID and supplies.

"Okay every teacher and student here with a car start making groups of three or five to put in your car, I will take a few people in a car," I say.

"Wait why are you bossing everyone around, you aren't even a teacher," I girl I recognize named Emma says.

"Well for one I killed all the zombies in the school, I helped get the supplies, and I seem to be the only one willing and stepping up to start things," I say calmly.

Emma slides deeper into her chair. "Okay now anyone has any ideas on where we can go?" I ask troubled.

"Can we just wait it out and see what happens" Kaitlyn suggests.

"That seems like the best option right now, we should barricade the doors just to be safe," I say, everyone agrees, and soon we get to work.

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