-14- A warm Fireplace; but Not warm Company.

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"Here, a towel

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"Here, a towel."

Titus took the soft garment gratefully, but it wasn't nearly enough to dry himself off. It was thin and garble, worn and didn't absorb much water at all.

But it was better than nothing. 

They were in a small hut-- right by the place they tied off their boats, a little home of a strange young man with hair as white as snow.

Perhaps it was because they did not fly a pirate flag, but the residents of the island paid little heed to this new boat coming by. The island was empty and desolate, quiet and calm.

The rain soared down heavier than the ears could take, and louder than voices could travel. 

Perhaps, little people even noticed the coming of their boat. Only this young man-- Luz, he introduced himself as-- who lived by the coast, hurried out to bring them in somewhere dry.

"Thank you," Titus spoke gratefully, leaving the rag at his hair, taking off his coat and hat to be hung by the side.

Cross tore his jacket from his body, shivering by the fireplace. 

Did Luz think they were lost travellers? Perhaps that was for the best.

"We're really sorry to intrude on you, sir," Titus found himself a spot on the ground, speaking to their host in soft tones.

"It's so cooold," Cross whimpered, curled into a ball dangerously close to the fireplace. He turned to Luz and nodded at the boy, "thanks a lot for this."

Luz was a man with a gentle face. He looked small, not particularly strong-- he didn't look the type to be able to live on his own, seeing how frail he looked and how unwary he was of visitors. His hair was white and mixed with murky shades from dirt, his eyes shone a midas shade of gold that didn't reflect his financial status.

The house was homey and cozy, but it was old and impoverished. The food in the cabinets seemed just barely enough for one man to get by in his life. Titus knew then he should not overstay this welcome.

As nice as Luz was, they should leave the moment it was safe to depart.

"Have some tea, it's warm," Luz smiled offering both of them a cup of some warm water. 

Luz was nervous, flickering about hesitatingly as if it was the first time he's gotten a customer, so he was very awkward. He crouched next to Cross, and urged the young boy to dry his hair before he'd catch a cold.

Titus noted that the two may be the same age-- or around the same age, at least-- so perhaps, Cross may be able to gain some friendly company for the while. They'd travelled around with only the three of them for nearly two entire weeks-- maybe it was nice for Cross to get some friends his age.

Taking a careful sip, Titus sighed. Their clothes were wet and cold, the dangers of hypothermia were not yet gone. Much more, they had no idea where Takara and Leer were, and if they'd even made it to the island at all. Cross was still smiles and cheer in this humid weather, but he was evidently a little more down than before.

It was fortunate the island wasn't hostile against them at the moment.

"Uh," Luz approached Cross, "I'm Luz... what about you?"

Cross looked up with a sort of cheer in him, chuckling in line with the uncontrollable chatter at his teeth-- "Oh- uh- I'm Cross, nice to meet you!"

Titus had already introduced himself-- but he did it again. "I'm Titus," it began simple, "we were travelling together and got caught up in a storm-- is this, perhaps, Shikke Island?"

Luz seemed to falter at that.

"...yes, this is the island known as Shikke," he muttered, looking away from the blond, unable to meet him in the eye, "we often have visitors, but during our stormy monsoons we mostly keep ourselves isolated. I apologize on behalf of the island for our poor hospitality-- perhaps, when the sky clears up, we can meet the rest of the residents in the main village..."

Luz was uneasy, and Titus felt it.

"It's fine," Titus assured, "we must've stay for long. the both of us will leave as soon as the sky clears, and--"

"NO!!" Luz was suddenly agitated, his hands hitting the table. He seemed fearful-- his eyes wide and surprised, desperate-- then he calmed himself, realizing how much of an overreaction that was.

Titus' eyes narrowed.

"No-- I mean," Luz was panicking, his voice jittery, shaky, strained-- "the weather is very abrupt. It's been storming worse over the past few days... if you go out without making sure the storm has stopped, you'd just get caught in a much fiercer storm than you faced."

Titus was no fool.

Evidently, that was an excuse-- a lie. Even though Luz seemed hospitable and friendly-- something was making him speak with a tone that implied everything was a facade. 

Something was wrong with this man, this island, and Titus did not like it.

"He's right, Titus!" Cross spoke up at the side, chuckling, "Takara and Leer were washed away-- we need to find them too before we go back out. We should wait a while."

Titus took in Cross' expressions. A smile-- small and curt and meager-- rather than joyful and innocent, it seemed mischievous and playful. It was not the smile Titus usually saw on the boy-- did that mean something?

We need to regroup with Takara and Leer, Titus agreed, and we can't go out until the storm fully ceases, he wasn't doubting these two facts. But deep down, he knew that this island would perhaps turn out to be a longer detour than he expected it to be.

And he did not like this nuisance in his journey.

"Yeah," he reluctantly agreed, bringing a smile to his face and facing Cross with a gentleness a little more forced than usual-- "okay, let's wait until the rain stops, alright?"

Stay alarmed, he reminded himself.

Titus eyed the white-haired boy that breathed out an evident sigh of relief, and reminded himself once again that this island wasn't completely safe.

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