Chapter 13- Training With Trevanor

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The next day, Tucker and Cat went out together again, this time to see friends and family of Cat. Skellor decided instead of sitting around, he would actually get up and go visit Tucker's grandmother and her dragon friend. He pulled on his street clothes, a long red trench coat, black shirt and dark jeans with black soft leather boots. He slicked back his hair and set off to the farm. He walked up to the door and gave a solid, loud knock with the back of his hand. A tall, well built man opened the door. He had silver hair, green eyes and pointed ears.

"Can I help you?" The man asked.

"Hey, I'm Tucker's flying partner and I was wondering if I could train with some guy named Trevanor." Skellor leaned against the door frame.

The man raised his eyebrow. "Sorry, I don't train punks." He closed the door in Skellor's face.

Skellor's ears went up. "Huh? Hey!" He banged on the door. "Open up!"

The man opened the door again. "What do you want?"

Skellor's ear twitched. "I already told you what I want."

"And I told you no!" The man retorted. "You obviously have no respect for higher ups! I don't have time or patience for runts like you!"

"Runt?" Skellor shouted. He then took a deep breath. "Alright." He looked at the elder dragon. "I wish to be trained by you, may you take me in?"

The man raised an eyebrow, a smug grin appearing. "That's better." He moved out of the way. "Come in."

Skellor came inside and pulled off his boots, looking at the elder dragon and his rider. "So what are you going to teach me?"

"What do you mean?" Trevanor crossed his arms. "You're going to learn what you can through sparring with me."

"Wait what?" Skellor stood up. "You're way more experienced, I'm going to lose no matter what."

"If you go into a battle feeling that way, you have already lost." Trevanor shook his head. "You can win any battle you want if you want it bad enough. You can always find a way. Not to mention you're a Void dragon. You can use your magic on me if you wish."

Skellor's ears went up. "I can go full out on you?"

"If that is what you believe is best."

Skellor took off his jacket and stretched. "When do we begin?"

Trevanor's eyes sparked. "Now." He grabbed Skellor and Tucker's grandmother opened the door, Trevanor kicking Skellor outside, rolling up his dress shirt sleeves.

Skellor skid to a stop on all fours. It took him by surprise, but he was ready for a fight. His claws and wings appeared and he gave his opponent a snarl.

Trevanor tied up his hair in a ponytail and his bright green wings flashed out of his back. He then pointed the palm of his hand at Skellor and blew him far back from himself. He then ran after Skellor while he was on his back. He jumped on Skellor, grabbed him and rolled onto his back, throwing him into the side of the barn.

Skellor fell down onto his hands and knees, taking a couple deep breaths and flew up into the sky. He then dove down at Trevanor, ready to slam him into the ground. Trevanor was faster however, because he was able to get out of the way just in time, making Skellor slam into the ground. He hissed in pain and got up slowly. Brute strength and speed wasn't going to help him in this fight, so he would have to use his element instead. Skellor jumped back and made a whip of shadow magic, grabbing Trevanor's ankle and tripping him onto his back. Trevanor snarled and slashed the whip in half, beat his wings and landed on his feet. Skellor then sped after him and shadow magic covered his hand, slashing at his opponent.

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