Chapter Seven- Meltdown

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Tucker and Skellor looked around the large room. The area was dark and about the size of an indoor stadium. Dark, scrubby grass grew across the ground, a small shack in the middle of the area. Skellor looked around, disturbed and baffled. "What the hell is this? This is allowed in a school? It feels like I walked into a post apocalyptic zombie land! This can't be legal!"

Tucker looked around, trying to look through the dark lighting. "It is kinda weird...But we'll be fine."

"Kinda weird? Kinda weird? Are you kidding me?" Skellor stared at Tucker in bewilderment. "This is insane! There is no way this is allowed to exist! Especially with dangerous things coming after us! This is stupid!" He headed for the door but hit the wall. "What the..?" He felt for the handle but the wall was completely smooth. "Where'd the door go? What's going on?" He let out a snarl and it the wall, confusion and anxiety building up inside him.

Tucker watched Skellor start to panic. "Wait...Don't animals smell fear..?" He ran over and grabbed Skellor's shoulders. "Skellor, calm down! You're going to attract the animals that she was talking about!"

Skellor grabbed him and shoved him onto the ground. "This is your fault, Tucker! If you didn't complain so much and you just followed my lead like my gang then none of this would have happened!" He kicked the wall. "Where's the door?" He shouted angrily.

Tucker got up. "Fine! If you don't want to work together, I'm heading to the shack, where it's safe! We have to stay for a whole week and if you want to sit and kick at the wall until the animals tear you apart, go ahead! It's not my fault!" He turned and walked away from his frantic flying partner, walking to the shack in the center of the field. He closed the door to the shack and looked around. There was a fireplace and two mattresses, along with food rations for a week. He sighed and sat down on one of the mattresses, starting to fall asleep. He woke up shortly afterward then the door opened up and Skellor walked in, his hair all messed up, bangs framing his eyes.

He sat down and sighed. "I can't find a way out of here..." He leaned against the wall, pouting.

Tucker sighed. "Well, then we have to work together for a week until we get out of here."

Skellor grumbled and looked away. "I hate to admit it, but yeah..." He looked at the door. "How come there aren't animals showing up at all? She said that they would be after us."

Tucker shrugged. "I have no idea. It's kinda weird though...They didn't show up during your outburst..."

Skellor snarled at him. "My outburst? Well, excuse me for not being perfect like you! Not everyone can be from a Chicago suburban area where everything is perfect all the time!"

Tucker looked at him. "My life was not perfect! It may not have been as crazy as yours, but it wasn't perfect!" He crossed his arms. "Everyone has their secrets and parts of their past that makes their lives unhappy! I just decide to live with it while you brood over it!"

"Brood?" Skellor shouted. "Screw you! I lost my gang and I can't even go home! On top of that, I have to deal with a runt like you as a partner! I don't even want to be in this stupid class, but I have to! If it weren't for that lady forcing me to keep you safe, I'd have you eaten by those animals by now!"

"Honestly? You're still upset about that stupid gang? You have been killing people and terrorizing New York City for years!"

Skellor snarled. "You don't know anything! They were family to me! They were the only people I cared about, and that Manticore asshole killed them! All of them! I couldn't even save them! Excuse me for 'brooding' over my friends deaths!" He looked away, snarling softly.

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