Chapter Eight- What We Are Trained For

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Tucker and Skellor had been working hard together for a month at the academy now. Their technique was shaky, but the bond between flyer and rider was undeniable. They worked hard with each other, harder than most of the class. They surprised the teachers, especially Myth Rider, with their strength and trust between each other. Most days were the same, Neil would teach them techniques and then they would go out on the field and train with each other. It became repetitive and boring, with the exception of Neil bringing in baby animals. Not only was he a rider and a teacher, but he was a stableman and a breeder as well. He did a lot of work with animals for someone who wasn't an actual Tamer.

One day he brought in baby dragons and taught everyone how they grow into full-size flying beasts. The babies ran everywhere as he talked. "These are called Whelplings. They are the youngest stage of the dragon with the exception of the egg. They are mischievous and don't listen to anyone, not even other dragons. They change into a dragling, a premature dragon, and then a full aged dragon." He was petting one that was gnawing on his head, flapping its tiny wings. He sighed and tried pulling it off, but it clung to his goggles and hair, the whole class laughing at him as he fought with it.

Valark snickered. "Not as bad as the time be brought in baby Manticores, right Faeran?"

Faeran burst into laughter. "I thought he was going to kill all of them!"

The twins finally walked up to their suffering teacher and helped pull them off, holding them close and making noises to them, making them calm down. "Jeez Neil, and you're supposed to be a breeder? We're not letting you near our girlfriends anytime soon." They laughed and put the Whelplings back into their cages, locking them.

Neil mumbled and put covers over the cages. "That could have gone better...Anyways!" He continued with his lecture, making everyone write down their notes. "There will be a test on this tomorrow! Study up!" He adjusted his goggles. "Head on outside for your training." He picked up the cages and headed out to his car, stuffing them in as everyone went out and did their flying warm ups.

Tucker put a saddle onto Skellor's back. He had to train with a saddle ever since Skellor tried to knock him off and it made it a lot easier to ride comfortably and control Skellor's flying. He heard that Myth Rider always used a saddle too, so he didn't feel singled out or babied. He climbed on and flew up into the air next to Terrace, who was riding on Valark. Skellor was a fast flyer, but not the strongest. He also lacked in his magic, which was supposed to be fire, but he was never able to actually use any of it. He just used brute force instead of his element. However, he always enjoyed challenging Valark to a race, who is meant more for fighting instead of speed, which made it a well rounded, interesting race. For Tucker and Terrace however...It was scary. They clung onto the two as they rocketed through the air, both screaming. Terrace was swearing and yelling at Valark while Tucker was just screaming on top of his lungs, holding on tight to the saddle.

Myth Rider walked out of the school and watched the daily race, frowning slightly. She walked over to Sylph, who was in her bird form, and gently pet her plume before climbing on. "Stop them." She held on tight as Sylph flew off into the sky in front of the two dragons. They tried to stop, but their momentum was too much and they had nothing to slow them down. Sylph let out a cry and an arcane blast suddenly burst at the two, knocking them back and making them stop. Myth Rider looked at the two riders and frowned. "You two should be able to control them better! One of you is dating their flyer and one of you is a Tamer! Get yourselves together!" She landed and called up to them. "I have an announcement! Come down here and listen!"

Both flyers groaned and landed, the riders jumping off and laying on the ground, thankful that it was under their feet now. Myth Rider stood in front of them and waited for everyone to land and pay attention. After everyone was together and listening, she started.

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