Chapter 11- Lack of Dragon

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It was about a week after Vincent was brought to the academy and Sky Archer and Myth Rider were already making plans to go against Syler and take out his Plague dragon and whatever minions he had. Vincent had also revealed that Syler was planning on splicing his own DNA to become a Shifter as well so he could have even more of an advantage over the humans, but his scientist was still experimenting. Myth Rider looked at Sky Archer. "What the hell are we going to do?" She stared at her pages and pages of plans and ideas. "This is stupid!" She picked up the stack and chucked it into the garbage. "We lost before the battle even begun!"

Sky Archer frowned and crossed his arms. "Do you forget everything I teach you Sabrina? You never give up until it's over!" He sits and starts thinking. "We have a Void dragon to go up against the Plague dragon, as well as Valark, Terrace, Sylph, Cat, Felix, Storm, and many more to take him on. Not to mention their ultimate forms..."

"No!" Myth Rider glared at him. "We are never going to teach them about their ultimate forms! Never! Not after what happened with your wife!"

Sky Archer looked at her. "What happened to my wife was an unfortunate incident and it wasn't your fault, I got over it, why can't you? I moved on to another woman anyways."

Myth Rider looked at him. "You may have moved on, but it was I that told her to use it when she wasn't ready. I'm never going to have them use their ultimate form! That's the final say!"

Sky Archer got up and walked over to her, stroking her cheek softly. "Sabrina, you can't blame yourself anymore...An Ultimate form might be just what we need. The perfect balance between animal and human is exactly the power we need." He pulled her into his arms. "I can teach them how to control it. If I can get Skellor to control his Ultimate form then he will be unstoppable. Just trust me..."

Myth Rider looked at him for a moment and put her forehead on his chest. "I'm just scared..."

Sky Archer stroked her hair softly. "I know...I am too...But together, we can do anything. Just trust me. I can get everyone to control their Ultimate forms. Faeran, Valark, Terrace and Sylph all know how, right?" He felt Myth Rider nod and he rubbed her back. "So then we already have four incredible great advantages..."

"You don't understand..." Myth Rider looked up at him. "They turn into monsters, Neil. Ultimate and Instinct forms are not to be messed with and never to be used! Did you see what Skellor did with just his raw power? Now imagine he couldn't control it in his ultimate form! He would destroy everything and they would have to kill him! I do not want to be responsible for Skellor losing his life and destroying his friends hearts! There will be no Ultimate or Instinct forms and that's final."

"Sabrina, when did you learn to not trust me so much?" Sky Archer pulled her away from his chest and looked at her. "When have I ever let someone down before when it comes to training? You know if anyone can train them, it's me."

"But that's the problem...You can't train them. Their alternate forms is something they have to learn on their own and that's too dangerous right now! Remember Valark's last incident? They almost killed him for that! Terrace went insane!"

"Sabrina." Sky Archer removed her goggles and his own, staring straight into her eyes. "Sabrina settle down. What happened was a mistake and I taught Valark to control himself. If I can teach Valark, I can teach any of them."

"But you're not a Tamer Neil..." She took his hand and looked down. "If they went out of control, you wouldn't be able to stop them...I can't let that happen...After what I allowed happen to your wife, I can't make any chances..."

"Sabrina...You're not to blame."

There was a knock on the door and Myth Rider pulled away. "What is it?" She yanked on her goggles and Valark came in.

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