Chapter 28- The Decision is Yours

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Chapter 28- The Decision is Yours

I awoke. My eyes swollen, my head thrubbing, and my face stained with dry tears. I cried myself to sleep last night in Bly's arms. The image of our child with so much pressure upon her before even her birth.

"Bly..." My word not audible to my own ears, but still his hand wrapped in my hair loosened as he peered down to me. I felt my hands travel down to my stomach. His, too, folded over mine.

"Addie, don't think of the prophecy. Think of the love this child, our child, will recieve. She will be the joy of her family's lives, the heart to our souls, a gift to the werewolf community. She will be the future queen." His words lifted my heart.

I nodded at his words.

"We will raise her as if we did not know of the prophecy," he said.

"Okay," I agreed. "She deserves a normal life."

Bly kissed my forehead. "When do you want to tell everyone?"

"I think that is up to you. I'll stand by your choice. If you want to tell them today then we will tell them today. If you want to wait, then we will wait. If you want to wait until they can smell the sweetness," he inhaled as his face laid in my neck, "then we won't say anything at all."

"I think we need to finalize everything with an announcement of the pack and news of an heir," I told him.

"Then we better get to work," he smiled.

I smiled, but then a thought came to mind. "Why aren't you at training?" I asked.

"My mate needed me," he cupped my cheek. "Training was covered."

I leaned into his touch and brought my face up to feel his lips against mine. A slow kiss pulling on our desires as his hand started to tangle in my hair. My leg lifting to wrap itself around his waist as we molded our bodies together. Our breathing growing uneven as our kiss led to more.

We sat in our office with notes and boards covered in our scribble. We struggled with the decision we made. We developed new positions, new titles, and a new pack. Our pack. A pack fit for royalty and the safety of our child.

"Ready for the chaos?" Bly smirked down at me.

"If it means the chaos brings assurance," I answered.

"It will." He rubbed his palm against my arms as I sat in his lap in the office chair as we staired at everything before us. "We'll get this right."

I nodded my head. Not letting any other thought break my faith.

Our mission to build a new pack started with positions needed, based off the roles within a pack, except glorified and trained better. Trained to become the best. I am the start of the royal line, but Bly was a born and raised alpha. As king he will dominate over all packs and keep the order. As his queen I will rule over the wellness and needs of all packs.

We will hire escorts to protect our line. Their sole mission will be to ensure safety of the king, queen, and heir. The next position will be a sentinel to guard the safety of the royal house and grounds. To greet visitors and announce who and which land they travel from. Their job will entail warning the visitors of the laws of the territory.

Authoritarian will be introduced as our enforcers of the law. They will be our professional fighters and guards for the royal family. We will also recruit a doctor who will hold the title salutary. This doctor will specialize in the treatment and wellness of the royal bloodline.

We will recruit our members community wide. We will accept only a small amount. Our pack will keep small unless decided otherwise.

We entered into the Wayder pack house. Our mission was simple. Bring forth the plan of our new pack with offers availabe. That plan was put on halt as we traveled upstairs to hear familar voices raised.

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