Chapter 9- The Origin

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Chapter 9- The Origin

The looks made across each of their faces showed confusion, which I shared with them, but an understanding, which I did not.

"She cannot be accepted, because she has to be the one to accept you," Maureen stated.

"So what is the outcome of this?" Ty wondered.

Her head shook softly from left to right, "There is no way of knowing for the moment of direction in which this could lead. We can just accept this knowledge, keep it among us, and wait for more." She directed.


As the time passed, my hands clasped themselves with Bly's as we sat behind the pack house.

"This is weird," I announced to him softly.

He let out a laugh, "Which part?"

I smiled and rose my eyebrows at the truth behind that statement, "All of it, but I was directing the comment to this," I said lifting our hands, "at us."

The hair over his eyes furrowed in confusion, "I guess to someone who didn't grow up with the thought of knowing you'd someday find your soulmate it must."

"It's not just that," I admitted, "I know a mate is your soulmate, but I don't know what that all means, I don't understand the sudden want, well, need I feel for you," I tried explaining.

"You don't have to explain I know what you feel," he told me. "We feel a connection so deep with one individual as a reward, as a preservation, per say, to keep the existence of our kind. That individual is our mate, he or she is the person we are connected to by birth, by destiny, and by the stars, a gift to us from our Goddess. We are meant to find this person and love them for the rest of our lives with a love so strong and so vast it takes the heart we hold inside us and the heart of our wolf to carry." He explained.

"Our Goddess?" I repeated, our hands unfolding.

"Yeah," he nodded, "Our heavenly mother, the one who blessed us even when her brother cursed us." Bly started to explain. "Though there are many origins suspected, the true first was a king who disrespected a God. He was cast to a life of uncontrolled behavior in the form of a shifting wolf for his crime," he traced his fingers across my hands as I listened intently. "His sister, our proclaimed mother, looked upon the king with mercy declaring the crime as petty and when the king's wife ran from him the Goddess went to him and blessed him with a woman. One to accept him, love him, and birth his heir. Thus the reason we have soulmates that we are destined to meet. When the God who cursed him found out the betrayal from his sister he extended his curse onto the young of the king, proclaiming the curse be passed down through the generations, though because word was passed around before the child was born the Goddess cast a blessing upon the mother since she could not overpower her brother's curse."

"The blessing to protect," he stated, "It obviously had effect, but could not keep the curse from touching us all. Over the hundreds of years of our existence the cursed has spread through the veins of those in relations, but only effected few in comparison. The Goddess has done good in controlling the numbers effected by keeping most of us mated to others who are from the bloodline, but there are still incidences where a human gets involved." He explained.

"Do you know any humans mated?" I asked.

"My mother," he replied. "Not many people know, they believe she is of bloodline."

"Why?" I tossed my head to the side.

"Because even through we are accepting of humans in our world, she's only the second to be mated to a high ranking wolf, the other being the first mate, the mate of the king. It was suspected if word got around the werewolf community would think less and would not accept her as a Luna."

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