Chapter twenty nine | bad dream pt.2

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Chapter twenty nine | bad dreams pt.2


There I stood in all white with Valentine across from my standing silhouette. She looked beautiful, as always, with her long black hair in a messy bun and bobby pins clipping the loose strands in place. Her grey eyes looked pitiful as she stared straight through me. She looked almost dead as she looked ahead.

All of a sudden, I saw her but she didn't see me. She was living her life and I was a ghost haunting her every move. I observed her from afar. My body was situated in a corner as she was talking to some guy at a party she was invited to. My heart stopped. Was I really dead? Would she not remember me anymore? Will I forever be gone? Will I never get to see her again?

All of those questions circled my mind as I watched the boy lean in. I have had enough. I am not going to sit by and watch Valentine be kissed by this roach. I pushed myself with all of my force out of that corner and rushed over to the pair of them. Right when I was going to push the boy away from my girl, I stumbled into a doorway.

It was the doorway of Valentine's childhood home.

The place looked bland as if it haven't had a woman's touch in ages, and I knew it hadn't. The tan wallpaper was peeling back from the dry wood and the floor boards were slightly slanted like a ramp. The hall way was about 20 feet of dirt instead of floor. The place looked just as disgusting as it did the last day I saw it.

I walked forward and started to explore for some odd reason. I knew every dirty square inch of the old lot, but the last time I was here was the day people took Valentine away. I was held down by some of the doctors in this very hallway.

I then stopped dead in my tracks at the doorway to the living room. On the floor seated crisscross-apple-sauce was Valentine. She was in the previous white dress. She looked up from her knees with the same dead eyes but this time tears were falling.

"I'm sorry you had to save me, Luke. I did this to you."

She had something shiny in her fist and It was sharp. In the blink of an eye, she brought the object to her throat and sliced and I saw red.



Maybe it wasn't so bad. Luke looks really tired. This long sleep will probably do him some good. Right?

Anything than thinking the negative is better for Luke. At least that's what the doctors said anyway. I kind of didn't believe a word they said to me anymore, but that motherly nurse, I believed. I found out her name was Nurse Peach. Her mother abandoned her too when she was merely a toddler, something we had in common, but her father was never in the picture so she grew up an orphan. At times I wish I grew up in an orphanage also.

"He'll wake up, right?"

I asked the same questions to Ms. Peach everyday. I don't know why I did. It happened naturally. I felt bad about it but the words slipped out occasionally when I was zoned out. Her answer was always the same though.

"Of course he will. He'd never leave a pretty and nice girl like you alone."

And I believed her. I really believed her.

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