Chapter nineteen | don't faint again

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Chapter nineteen | don't faint again

"Valentine! Valentine! Please wake up, Val," It was Luke's voice. He was shaking me and his voice sounded rugged and pained. "Please, baby."

When my eyes opened, I saw Luke. He was hugging my body so all i could see was the top of his curly, blonde head. One of his arms were tightly secured around my waist and the other was cradling my head like I was a baby. My arm was draped back across the floor and I moved it to rub Luke's back, soothingly. He flinched and shot up from his bowing position, on his knees with my body still in his grasp. He was still on his knees when he looked in my eyes and was visibly relieved that I was okay.

"Fuck. You scared me, doll," he said moving my body further up his lap for my comfort. I started to sit up slowly with Luke's instructions. "Don't do that ever again."

I nodded my head and smiled at the blonde. His blue eyes were brightened when he saw my grin. "I want to try something. Promise me you won't faint again."

I looked to Luke and nodded, and he smirked. My body tensed when Luke moved closer to me, his pink lips parted with anticipation. I leaned in when the blonde did and our lips connected for the second time in our lives. This time the kiss felt more intimate than the last time we kissed merely a few months prior. Our lips moved in sync as Luke moved to hover over me.

I couldn't think about anything other than the softness of Luke's lips. The way they moved against mine sensually. The way my mind was in a frenzy by the time Luke pulled away.

"That was better than I remembered," was what Luke said peering into my grey orbs. His mouth still parted in pure bliss as was mine.

"Yeah, it was," I said looking from the boy's eyes to his pink mouth that was now slightly swollen. "Want to make it even better."

I really don't know where this new found confidence came from, but i couldn't get enough of it, especially Luke's reaction.

He was gawking at me with desire in his crystal blues. When my head moved up towards his, he was still. I moved in and planted my mouth onto his. Him, not knowing what to do other than kiss me back, moved forward also to create that pressure I was craving. Luke's eyes closed as did mine. My fingers went straight up to his hair and I tangled them in his blonde locks. I pulled lightly onto the hair which caused a moan to release from the boy atop of me, the perfect opportunity to press my tongue into his mouth.

He quickly dominated me, which i didn't mind, but still fought against. He growled and I slide from his lap. My head was gently sat on the floor, but Luke climbed on top of me and kissed down my neck, leaving his mark behind. I moaned as his hands came up to massage me through my white t-shirt.

Before we could get any further, the sound of the knob twisting caused us both to spring apart. The door swung open and in came Twenty Four with her lips pressed to a man's. All I could see was his brunette hair and tanned skin in the dim light but the uniform looked too familiar to mistake.

"Twenty Four? Officer Hood?"


uM YES I DID! 😂I JUST COULDN'T HELP MYSELF!! Okayyyy okayyyy what do to think Team_Morey ?

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