Chapter twenty five | his blood

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Chapter twenty five | his blood


I love you too, Valentine.

I love you, Valentine.

I love you.

My eyes squinted at the bright florescent light as I tried to peel them open. The whiteness of the room made me eerie as I took in all the fine points of the small space.

Looking down, I saw that I was dressed in one of those gowns that patients have to wear after surgery. Not very flattering from this point of view. My arms were attached to a machine that was on my bedside. The needle injected into my vein pulsated throughout my body. Everything hurt on my body from the migraine in my head all the way to the tips of my toes. I couldn't feel a lot of it but the parts I felt the most were my lungs and throat.

The only thing I remember is falling out after telling Luke I loved him. Everything after that is a blur.

"Valentine don't say your goodbyes, not yet dammit. I will be right back."

He must have gotten to me then.

"Luke?" I called out with a crack of my voice. The raspy undertone prevented me from speaking any louder than whisper for it to not hurt.

The four white walls looked a lot similar to the walls of the asylum. God. I hope the place burned to a crisp.

I called out again and when I heard nothing back, I decided to get up and search for the blonde boy. He couldn't be far right?

With a small tug, the needle exited my wrist and fell to the ground with a few drops of red. It looked a lot worse than it was. The stinky adhesive from the tape that kept the needle in was still plastered on my pale skin. With another tug, I pulled the stickers on my heart off and onto the ground also. The heart monitor's green line went straight with a constant beep.

Swinging my feet over the bed, I stood on the cold tiled floor. My weight felt ten times heavier than normal. Probably from not moving around for awhile. How long have I been in here?

I tried to walk to the door as quickly as possible. Every muscle in my body hurt a lot. I opened the door and looked out into the hospital hallway.

Not many people were walking around. I took this as my chance to find regular clothes and then find Luke. Looking around, I spotted a stack of unclaimed clothes in a corner on top of a wheelchair.

I rushed over to the wheelchair and looked for some clothes that would hopefully fit. Right off the bat, I saw my smokey clothes and the two white, now gray with ash, jackets. Something else I saw made my heart leap twenty yards high. I saw Luke's flannel pajama pants. I wasn't scared that I saw the cloth until I saw the small blood patch on the right pant leg. That was when I freaked out searching hard for my best friend.

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