I love my parents!

Sometimes, I feel like that bump really got to me.

My eyes skewed towards Luke, who scanned my body. He bit his lower lip, probably wondering where I got the piercing.

Not telling you sucka!

I need to grow up.

"Anyways, you're going to Luke's party, right?" Winnie slapped my face. Not physically, of course, mentally.

"I can't." I looked at Luke and pouted, "I got grounded." His eyes narrowed. "Lukie," I called the nickname I gave him a while back, deciding to behave a little like my old self. "You know, I want to go, but parents. They suck!"

Everyone starts mumbling words of agreement.

Teenagers, so easily brainwashed.

Luke smirked, "We can always move the party." He took a step closer to me while I planted my feet on the ground, refusing to back away, "Just for you, Makee."

"Oh, Parker." I smiled, "Such a gentleman as always." I twisted my hair and giggled, placing a hand on his bicep. "I'm grounded for three weeks."

His smile dropped.

"I don't want everyone to suffer with me." I bashed my lashes, "So thoughtful of you all, though." I pat Luke's arm, but realistically I was slapping it as hard as I can. "Especially you, Lukie." I pinched him at the end, causing him to flinch slightly.

Despite our harmonious interaction, the atmosphere between us was anything but pleasant.

"Well, I got to go. Love you all." I fake laugh, then slowly back away, "Classes, you know? Ugh! Teachers!" My voice pitched.

"Tots," Winnie replied with a nod.

Finally, I dropped the act when I turned around wondering how in the world I can behave like that for four years.

I cleared my throat. "I need out," I said, thinking of ways to throw away my dumbbell behavior. Twirling my knob, I sighed, "This is what you get for acting all fake," I mumbled under my breath, grabbing the textbook and shoved it inside my backpack.

A tap on my shoulder caught my attention. I turned around to see Mary. "Hey," she chirped.

I smiled, "Sup Mar."

She tucked a strand of hair behind her reddened ear as she leaned against the lockers, crossing her slimmed leg one above the other. "So, you're not going to Luke's party?" she asked.

I zipped up my backpack, "Nope."

There is no way I'm going to Luke's party. That's the day Mina showed up with a super sexy dress, outshining me, and flirted with Luke all night long.

No, more like Luke trying to catch her attention the whole night while I stand in the corner of the room. Then I got felt up by some random dude and ended up sleeping with him.

Who did I sleep with?

Never mind...irrelevant.

I don't remember much except Luke and Mina's potentially gay friend fighting over her in the front yard.

Wait, who is Mina's potentially gay friend again?

I remember seeing him standing behind Mina all the time, protecting her, or something like that. I'm sure he had a thing for Mina.

I don't remember who...who is he?

Oh, forget it. He is just a background character - the second male lead.


Just like me.

I'm irrelevant or trying to be irrelevant now.

"Do you want to make it a girls' night?" Mary asked, nibbling on her lower lip.

Well, this is a change.

I flung my backpack over my shoulder and walked towards the classroom. "You don't want to go to Parker's party?"

She shook her head, "Truthfully, I'm not really into parties. I only go because all of you were going."


Mary nodded, "Peer pressure. You know?" She shrugged slightly.

"Okay. It's a girl night."

Mary squealed and threw a bear hug at me. "It will be so much fun!"

 "It will be so much fun!"

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