Things Change - Part Two

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"Ha! Don't start now Rory!" You said laughing.

The conversation flowed as you hadn't all caught up together for a while. Mainly golf talk which meant the girls all stood next to each other talking about their jobs and what they were wearing etc. You didn't leave Graces side, a hand always by your side touching the fabric of her skirt. As much as you were used to these types of events Grace wasn't and you wanted her to feel at ease.

The girls excused themselves to go to the toilets and that's when Mark spoke up. "Something happening with you and Grace?" He asked. He knew that you'd been friends since school and were nothing more. He also knew that you were affectionate towards each other but that nothing had happened between you. You'd been close a few times to kissing her, mainly after drunken club nights when you'd kipped in bed together. You'd wanted to kiss her on many occasions but you knew you were friends and nothing more.

"No why do you say that?" You questioned.

"There's a spark there tonight, more than usual anyway. You've been sneaking looks at each other since you arrived and you've not let your hand leave her side."

"We have a spark but its nothing more than friendship, I'm just making sure she's at ease, she was really nervous before we arrived." You replied brushing off the things he'd noticed.

"Ok if you say so but i think you two should get over this "just friends" thing. It's been over ten years. You're not 14 anymore."

"You sound like my mother!" You said laughing and you didn't get a chance to reply any further as the girls were heading back towards you.

You were soon seated for dinner, you were sat with Mark and Lucy. Grace was sitting to your right. She had placed her clutch behind her on her chair as she sat down before moving her legs under the table to find yours. Her hand found its way to your thigh and you placed your hand of top of hers again giving it the reassuring squeeze it needed.

By the end of the meal you realised your hand had been entwined with hers for most of the evening apart from when you were actually eating. You liked the feeling but you knew Mark had noticed and as the girls went off again to toilets after dessert was cleared away he leant into you.

"Just friends hey?!"

"Shut up! I've got no chance." You said laughing.

"Oh I think you have, and I think your ears will be burning any second as I bet you Lucy is quizzing Grace right now!"

You were interrupted by coffees being served and the girls arrived back not long after.

The rest of the evening involved speeches, recognition awards and a charity auction. A band started to play and Mark had grabbed Lucy's hand to dance. You'd taken the chance to move closer to Grace, wrapping your arm around her back resting on her waist. Her hand was still sitting in its usual position on your thigh. You leaned across to her. "You ok?" You asked so closely to her ear that your lips brushed across it. You felt her squeeze your thigh as she gasped at your touch. "Mmmm slightly tipsy but doing ok!" She replied back laughing. "How about you?".

"Same! Do you want to dance?"

"I'd love to."

You guided her across the dance floor and placed one of your hands across her waist the other gripping her hand. Your bodies were so close now you could almost feel her heart beating. She placed her hand across your shoulders and caressed the nape of your neck. You couldn't help yourself as you leaned in towards her and kissed her cheek. You danced in silence for a minute, your cheek resting against hers. "You look stunning tonight" you whispered in her ear.

"Thank you." She replied smiling. "There are some very attractive people here tonight."

"Is there? Seen anyone you like?" You asked wondering what her answer would be. You stroked across the fabric of her skirt and pulled her a little bit closer.

"That's not what I meant!" She replied laughing. "why you seen anyone you like?".

"Just one" you said as you moved your head to face her to see what her reaction would be. Her eyes were looking at you curiously. The song finished and you took her hand to walk back to your seats.

You both sat down and she leant forward to get her drink, before sitting back in her seat and taking a sip. The silence between you was getting awkward. You weren't sure why you'd said what you did. Mark had given you the impression that you stood a chance with her but you weren't so sure given her reaction.

She set her drink down on the table and leaned towards you. "Ni can I ask you something?"

"Of course" you replied.

She leaned in closer to your ear as the band were still playing.

"Have you ever thought about kissing me before?" She sat back in her chair her eyes on you.

You laughed as you leaned over to her. "In 11 years of friendship I've thought about it hundreds of times. In the last 5 days that you've been staying with me at least twenty, in the last couple of hours here at this event pretty much every minute."

You heard her gasp and then she asked "when is socially acceptable to leave this event?" Her lips grazing over your ear.

Just then Mark and lucy joined you both.

"Hey fab dancing Mark!" She called across the table.

"You loving my moves?! See I told you Lucy I'm a great dancer!"

You all laughed and you placed your hand on her thigh. Hidden from view by the table cloth you took a massive risk sliding your hand up, you caressed her over her centre. Even through her thong and skirt you knew she was turned on.

"You two having another drink?" Mark asked completely oblivious to the fact that you were rubbing Grace under the table.

"No we are off soon" you said. "Got an interview first thing. Need my beauty sleep!"

You removed your hand from her centre and stood up from your chair. Grace did the same and you grabbed her hand after you said your goodbyes to Mark and Lucy.

It felt like it took forever to say goodbye to everyone but in reality it was only twenty minutes before you were sat in the car as Mark Jarvis drove you home. Your body was on fire, what was going to be said when you were alone at home and what would happen.

You looked across at her in the car and feeling the weight of your stare she turned to look at you, a smile on her face as she bit on her lower lip.

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