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Ismay returned to her room and dress into something more practical then joined Gabriel and the others in small, cozy parlor. Penelope and Elena were also there at her request. Each had taken a chair. She and Gabriel sat together on a small, padded bench. "I believe we all know the kingdoms will refuse my demands. They'll spend this month preparing and so will we," Ismay told them.

She looked to Hugh. "I want every inch of our borders watched, no matter how remote or difficult to access. Every able-bodied person, yes even the women, over the age of sixteen and in good health will be trained how to fight. When they come, I want them to learn to fear even the dirtiest beggar as much as our bravest knight. There will be no victims in Darug."

"I approve," Gabriel said, taking her hand in his.

Ismay looked at Penelope. "I would like you to use your connections in the kingdoms to cultivate sympathies towards Darug. If neede rewards can be promised."

"I know a few that wouldn't need rewards, but it's good to know I can tempt them with something," Penelope replied.

"All trade with the kingdoms should stop. The kingdoms are too dangerous for any to stray beyond our borders," Ismay said then tapped her knee. "As they did to Darug, I wish to do unto them. All our thieves, poachers, brigands, and nonviolent criminals. Offer them the choice either remain prisoners or to practice their unsavory crimes among the kingdoms. When the war is concluded, they can either continue their ways in the three kingdoms or return to Darug as honorable and lawful men."

"That is a bold move," Hugh said, looking as if he didn't like the idea.

"The kingdoms buried the past, Lord Hugh. I want them to know that Darug hasn't forgotten. It is harsh and it will ensure chaos and mayhem. Unfortunately, these will work in our favor."

"As you wish."

"Lord Hugh, if you'd like, you can be allowed to oversee the prisoner and any you feel too vile to be released you can keep incarcerated."

"I think that would be the best option," Gabriel said. "My conscience would be more appeased by this."

"I am of the same mind," Hugh replied.

Ismay nodded. "Next, I think the time for hiding is over. I have a task for Elena, one I'd like her to focus all her abilities toward."

Gabriel frowned, but Elena, nodded. "Yes, I agree." Without waiting for Gabriel, she took off the necklace, freeing her true appearance. Penelope gasped as she stared at the now much older Elena.

Ismay smiled, enjoying her sister's shock. "There is some catch up you'll need to do, Sister," she told her. "You are free to enlighten her as you wish," she said to Godfrey. Turning her attention to Elena, she said "Someone aided Clarissa magically when she first attempted to enchant the king. We need to know who it was and if they are still in Darug. I would like you to be in charge of that task along with discovering if there are any other magical inclined families left yet in Darug and would be willing to aid us in the upcoming war."

She nodded with a weathered smile. "It will be done."

"Anything that would help us have some supremacy over the other kingdoms would be welcome," Gabriel said, though he didn't seem pleased it was Elena who was going to do it. "If there isn't anything else?"

"No, I believe we all have plenty of work before us," Ismay said. Everyone got up from where they sat. Ismay started to join them when Gabriel tugged her back to her seat.

"I'd like you to stay with me for a moment."

"Is something wrong?"

"No, not at all. Everything is quite right, besides the impending war, of course," he replied. "Plans have been made and people are rushing to accomplish them. There is nothing you or I need to do. So I would like to sit with you."

"Sit with me," Ismay said, giving him a curious look. Is that all you had in mind?"

He grinned. "What else would I have in mind? Do you really believe me to be so devious?"

She leaned against him, resting her head on his shoulder. His arm wrapped around her waist. Her breath caught and her heart raced, yet Ismay had never felt safer than she did now. Yet, she'd just caused hundreds of years of peace to be broken into war. Ismay had read about the subject more than once. It was horrific and ugly. All the kingdoms would suffer. "Am I just in my actions, Gabriel? Did I do enough to seek a peaceful resolution before declaring war or is my wounded pride making me foolish?"

Gabriel pulled her closer to him. "I believe you have done everything possible, Ismay. The other kingdoms wanted war as soon as I walked into that gathering. Nothing you or I could've changed that. They took the first step towards war when they came here, tried to take you from me and force me to bend to their will. Everything that's happened after that is at their feet, not yours. I firmly believe in your decisions and I will happily stand by them until the end of my days."

"Thank you," Ismay told him with a small smile. "And to answer your question. Yes, I think you are that devious. Only you are capable of making me ever believe..." she took a breath and let it out. "In believing something such as love could exist and be lasting."

She could feel him stiffen in surprise and she swore she could feel his intense gaze on her. He relaxed, laughing and pulled her into his lap. "Then I suppose I shouldn't disappoint you and will request that we do more than sit here." Ismay pressed her lips against him, hoping to surprise him once more. She was rewarded as he made a startled sound and could feel his lips spread into a grin before pulling her closer to him.

As he undid the laces of her bodice, Ismay let herself free into the chaos he caused to rush through her. Perhaps that chaos was this love he'd always talked about. Perhaps, he had made her fall in love with him and perhaps, it was her who had been the ignorant one after all. 

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