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Ismay took a sip of wine before closing the book and set it among the others. It like the others had nothing more than fanciful tales of Darug's last and foolish king. Though as frustrating as it was, her search for knowledge was much better than considering her mothers' suggestions for keeping the king fascinated. A flush crept through her cheeks and she shook her head. Ismay sighed, rubbing her face as someone knocked on the door. "Come in," she called.

Alice, her talented mother walked in with two maids trailing her. She smiled, her whole face alight with happiness. "It's time." She waved her hand at the maid on the left. "Take her dress out. You..." she waved to the one on the right. "Help me with Ismay's hair. She is to be breathtaking today. Come here and sit, Ismay."

Ismay's stomach twisted with nerves and she took another drink of wine from her goblet before standing and sitting where her mother commanded. Wield a brush much like a knight would a sword, Alice began brushing her hair. "Do you remember everything we told you?"

Ismay bit her lip to keep from flushing again. "I do, but I believe I can accomplish my duty without...them." She did have a reputation to maintain after all and the rules were clear in such things. "King Gabriel can't be so far from propriety that he can't be as reasonable as any man."

Alice laughed a soft musical laugh. "Oh, in that I do not doubt." Ismay frowned then cried out when she tried to look up at her mother and received a smack from the brush. "Do not move," she demanded. "And I hope you are right, you will not need our suggestions or to bend the rules. Yet, they are there if you need them. Now stand, let us help you into your dress."

Ismay stood and took a sharp breath when she saw the dressed they'd brought her. She'd never seen anything so beautiful. It was white with a swooping neckline, sleeves flaring out at the elbows, and a full flowing skirt. The corset was stitched elegantly with bright blue gemstones and creamy pearls. Two pale blue roses at her shoulders and one at the top-center of the bodice chest. More were on the skirts.

Alice smiled. "I hope you like it. I designed it myself."

"It's amazing, Mother. I don't feel worthy to wear it," Ismay admitted.

"Don't be silly, my dear. Come, put it on."

Ismay hesitated at first then allowed the maids to help her step into the dress. She smiled at the perfect fit. When she peered into the mirror she almost didn't recognize herself. Ismay turned to face her mother. "Thank you."

Alice stood straighter, preening. "You're very welcome. Now for the final touch." She walked to the small table where a small box sat and removed a small circlet of bright silver decorated with pale blue rose buds that matched her dress. She carefully set placed it on Ismay. "There, you are ready. Come let's go meet your father."

"I am," Ismay agreed and followed her mother out of her room and down the hall toward the throne room where the ceremony would take place. Her father nodded when he saw her. "Perfect. Alice you've outdone yourself once more. You have made me proud to call you my wife."

Blushing, Alice gave him a regal nod. "I'm pleased to hear it."

Ismay took her father's extended arm and with a nod to the footmen at the door, they opened the twin doors and they entered the throne room where their guests and her future husband awaited. Ismay lifted her chin as they walked, pleased by what whispers she could hear. She'd made an impression and it gave her confidence that her duty to bring the king and Darug back into civilization wouldn't be as daunting as it seemed.

However, when she looked at her future husband her breath froze in her throat. His gaze was intense with an expression on his face that almost seemed to be awe. It made her skin heat and she fought to keep the flush from her face. She tore her eyes from King Gabriel and focused on the master of ceremonies.

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