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The next morning Ismay stood on the balcony, sipping ale as she watched the sun rise into the sky and thought over the events of yesterday. She couldn't deny it'd been enjoyable, yet the way Gabriel affected her so was unsettling. Ismay didn't understand why her skin warmed at his touch or why her heart raced the way it did.

"My queen," Elena spoke, taking her out of her thoughts. "The king expressed that he'd like to see you when you're ready."

"I see and do you perhaps know why he wishes to see me?" Amusement fluttered through her and she couldn't help the smile.

Elena shook her head from side to side. "No, my queen. Just that he wishes to speak with you."

She shook her head with a laugh. "Tell him I will see him in a couple of hours."

The girl returned her smile. "Yes, my queen," she curtsied and left.

Ismay walked back into her room, but stopped at the mirror, spying the smile on her face which promptly disappeared into a frown. What was she doing? Smiling like some fool and allowing her emotions to run so freely. When had she become so lax in her control? This wouldn't do, not at all.

She ate, bathed, and dressed by the time Elena returned to take her to the king. In a small sitting room, Gabriel sat with Godfrey, speaking softly. "Good day, Gabriel, Lord Godfrey."

The king grinned brightly when he saw her. Godfrey bowed his head. "Good day, my queen. The king was just telling me about your trip yesterday. I do hope you enjoyed seeing a little more of our land."

Interesting, Ismay thought and dipped her chin toward the lord. "I did. This land is very beautiful. Much different from the one I grew up in."

"I'm pleased to hear it. I bid you farewell. I have some duties that need to be minded," Godfrey said, getting up and leaving.

Ismay watched him leave then took a seat. "You two seem to be in rather good spirits today. Has something happened?"

"Yes, this morning the traders from Amika arrived at our borders with their part of our trade agreement. It's one of the things I wished to discuss with you this morning."

Ismay stiffened. "I didn't realize they were on their way. I would've liked to been informed beforehand. I wished to speak with them."

Gabriel's grin dimmed some and he suddenly took her hand in his. "My apologies Ismay, I wasn't aware you wanted to know." Ismay glanced at his hand holding hers, the warmth of his covering her own and crawling up her arm. She also noted his touch while unsettling was becoming familiar. Ismay would have to correct that. "But all is not lost. They arrive here at the castle tomorrow morning. You can speak to them. May I ask why you need to speak with them?"

"It's custom for the diplomatic wife to greet all traders," Ismay told him. "We discuss the trip, any problems along the way. If the goods arrive in good condition I will praise them and promise to speak highly of them to you. If they're not I express my disapproval and could possibly reject the goods they've brought. Though such a rejection would be fatal to them so it happens very rarely. Mostly, I think them and the king or lord supplying the goods."

"I see, and usually this is done as soon as the traders arrive?"

"Yes. Gabriel, I know you have something you wish to prove to the kingdoms, but Amika is an ally and our first trade. The others will be watching. We must do this properly to also prove that Darug isn't beyond propriety. It's quite important. Do you understand?"

He chuckled, gave her hand a light squeeze. "Yes, Ismay. I can understand this and I agree, it's important to prove I'm not a ruffian and I can behave You will be there tomorrow and perform your duty as you must." Gabriel's expression changed and his smile turned roguish. "Have you a question prepared for me?"

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