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Ismay took the chair closest to the fire. Once Gabriel had stepped away from her all heat seemed to have left her body and she was nearly shaking with the cold now. "Why are my questions so important to you now?"

Gabriel took the seat from across her. "I do not want you to believe that you're unwelcome here or that you're not trusted, because I do want you here and I do trust you." A bitter laugh built in her chest, but she managed to hold it back and instead lifted a brow in question. "I do," Gabriel insisted. "So I'm willing to answer any question you have, but with a condition."

"A condition?" Ismay repeated with suspicion. Gabriel grinned, making her stomach churn on itself. Or again maybe the wine wasn't sitting well on her stomach. Yes, it must be the wine. She'd drank much more than she should've.

"Well, maybe condition isn't the right word. It's more like an agreement or negotiation. I answer your questions and you fulfill a request of mine."

"What kind of requests?" If they were anything like what had just happened out on the balcony then she preferred to not have any answers.

The king laughed in a loud booming laugh. "Nothing dastardly or devious, Ismay. You can always refuse a request and we'll renegotiate."

Her fingers tapped on the table as she thought. His amusement of her still irritated her beyond measure, but this bargain could help her understand him and the kingdom more. Understanding them had to be the key to getting the king to finally listen to her. "All right, Gabriel. I agree with your condition."

"Wait, I must add after the events of today that once you agree, I answer your question you must complete the request even if you're angry with me."

"Are you planning to make me angry often?" Ismay asked with a little laugh.

"Well from my experience it seems that men have a way of angering the women they care about. While I don't want nor is my intentions to anger you I believe it is quite possible I will."

"Perhaps you should learn to control yourself," she replied then nodded.

"I'll have you know I think my control is much improved since we're married."

Him? Controlled? Ismay laughed lightly but did not argue. "I find this condition to your condition acceptable."

Gabriel grinned once more and Ismay's heart stuttered. "Excellent, we can begin now if you like."

Ismay eyed him suspiciously, hoping this trade of theirs would help her understand him because she was almost convinced at this point she might never understand him. "All right, my question. Are you purposely trying to enrage the other kingdoms besides Amika?"

He laughed softly. "My request is this, come spend the day with me outside the castle, let me show you more of Darug."

The request took her by surprise. She honestly expected him to ask something barbaric of her. This was actually reasonable. "I accept, I shall accompany you tomorrow. Now, your answer?"

"I'm not trying to enrage them. At the least, not exactly," he replied. "I want them to see Darug is strong and will not be easily coerced or cowed."

She frowned at his words. "What reasons do you believe they'd want to cow or coerce you or Darug? Some, like King Francis, is not happy about your return, but they are a civilized people, Gabriel. We prefer peace before war."

"That, Ismay, is another question. I do believe it's in our best interest to keep the transactions singular. Tomorrow, I will answer another question."

Frustration flittered through Ismay, but she kept her complaints to herself because as much as she disliked it, Gabriel was being reasonable. One request at a time was the most prudent way to navigate their strange trade. "Of course, I will wait then."

The King's Wifeحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن