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Ismay's heart pounded in her chest when deliberation was over and her father walked towards her. His expression held its usual sternness, but he did not seem angry. Of course, he wouldn't, she thought. Not here in such a public place. He wouldn't express his anger and displeasure until they were alone. He stopped in front of her and Ismay's hands were clenched together so tightly it started to hurt.

"I confess I'm surprised to only have received three offers tonight," He said, his hands held back behind him. Three? Relief fluttered through her, making her almost light-headed. Perhaps in assisting the new king had been to their benefit after all. "While neither Prince Renier or this Prince Edmund were among them..." he narrowed his eyes at her. "Your hand was requested by an Amika merchant. Prince Aelric said he might consider you."

Ismay bowed her head, shame weighing on her. She knew of which Amikan merchant he spoke of. Aleric was a minor prince of Saminas and did well as a merchant, but he lacked any real ambition. "And the third?" It was an impressive feat her voice didn't shake.

"The very king of Darug," her father replied, the pleasure in his voice unmistakable.

Her head shot up. "King Gabriel?" But she told him he should take a maternal wife? "I don't understand, he has no previous wives...what did you say?"

"My answer? What do you think my answer was? It was the only one I could give — he has my approval."

Ismay frowned. "Your approval? Are you sure that's wise? We know nothing of his kingdom or of him."

"Don't we? They still tell tales of Darug's vast wealth."

Tales? Was he serious? "Father those tales are children's stories and hundreds of years old."

His expression hardened and his eyes lit with anger. "Do you think me a fool, daughter? Do you think I have not aptly considered and weighed the possible risk? You, who did nothing of what was planned and very nearly ruined everything for us, have no place to question me!"

Ismay ducked her head again. "Of course, I'm sorry. I apologize, Father, I should've known you would do nothing that'd hard our kingdom or its interests."

He sniffed as he jerked his head in a stiff nod. "If only what half what was said is true about Darug...this, Daughter, this is what Verun needs to become the kingdom it was destined to be. This King Gabriel is ignorant of our ways and his fascination with you..." The delight in his eyes made Ismay's stomach twist nervously.

"Fascination? How...I don't think—" she started nervously, but her father cut her off.

"Do not concern yourself with that, Daughter. It is a boon, a key to bring the king under your influence and guide him."

Ismay frowned but considered her father's words. She would have great influence as queen. And if... "Regina would come of age in two years." Her sister was a maternal wife, and having them both wed to the king would undoubtedly help them bring Darug into the civilized world. There was only one problem. "Father, still there is something unsettling and odd about him." This fascination her father mentioned unsettled her even more.

"He is merely different than what you're accustomed too, Ismay. Give it time, teach him, and you will be more comfortable with him. Now, do you accept?" Though he was asking, Ismay knew she couldn't refuse. Her father wanted this too much and she could not deny him, especially after her failure.

Her stomach twisted and the word 'no' was on the tip of her tongue, but instead, she forced herself to give the answer he wanted. "Yes, Father. I will accept King Gabriel's proposal."

"Come, let us tell him the good news before he changes his mind," her father said, holding his arm out for her. She nodded, taking it, and tried to calm her nerves. Yet, they only grew as they walked over to the king. Her heart pounded in her chest. They stopped before King Gabriel, her father gave her a nudge forward.

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