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A thick fog covered the landscape and the damp seeped into everything making the fall morning much colder than it usually was at that time of the year. Ismay didn't mind the wet chill. It helped keep her awake. She walked into the courtyard with her mothers and sister. In preparation for the long days of travel Ismay dressed in a plain brown dress with her hair braided in a single fishtail braid.

They stopped next to the carriage. Ophelia smiled as she walked to stand in front of her. "Keep your chin up." Ophelia tapped the underside of Ismay's chin with her finger. "And never forget you who you."

"Of course not," Ismay replied.

"Write to me as soon as you arrive. I can't wait to hear about everything," Regina said, smiling and eyes shining.

Ismay took her hand, giving it a brief squeeze. "I will. Don't worry." She glanced up at the castle. It wasn't the most elegant or impressive castle in the realm, but it had been her home and the thought of leaving it and her family left her feeling sad. It was a childish emotion and Ismay knew it, yet it was there. All she could do was bury it so none others would see it.

"Remember, your duty and what we've told you," Margaret told her.

Ismay nodded at the time the king joined them. Her father, as he had said he might be, was not there. Gabriel bowed his head to her mothers and sister, greeting them kindly before turning to her. "Are you ready?"

Her mouth was dry as she nodded. "I am." She lifted her chin, determined to shake off these silly and childish emotions. "Mothers, sister, good-bye," she told them and allowed Gabriel to help her into the carriage. He climbed in sitting in the side across from her. The footman knocked the side and with a jolt, they were in motion. Ismay looked out the window, watching them leave the courtyard and into the city.

"It will take us almost five days to reach home," Gabriel told her after several minutes of silence.

She turned from the window. "Really? Only five?" Ismay had expected something similar to the travel from Iber which took them almost double that.

"We will continue to travel through the night. My men know the roads well."

"Oh, is there some importance to your returning?" she asked, wondering if now he could give her some more information about his kingdom.

A half smile appeared and vanished on his lips. "If I can be honest, I would prefer to spend as little time as possible outside my kingdom. I do not think all are pleased as your father at its return."

Ismay looked out the window. "That is possible, but none would strike against you King Gabriel. No one in the realm would break our years of peace for a simple displeasure."

His laugh startled her, making her jump. "I hope you are right, but none the less, I prefer not to tempt fate."

"Of course." Fate? He believed in fate? Did his ignorance know no limits? Ismay started to sigh then stopped herself. It was not his fault, she told herself. He'd been born and raised outside of propriety. She tapped her knee with her index finger. If he was as ignorant as he seemed, it could be possible Ismay may not be able to wait for her sister to come of age for Gabriel to marry her, but instead seek him a maternal wife the upcoming year.

They fell into silence once more that stretched for several hours. "King Gabriel, I —" Ismay started.


Startled by the interruption Ismay stumbled on her train of thought. "What?"

"Please call me Gabriel. I'm not your king but your husband," he told her.

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