Lifting her chin and setting her hands on her lap, Ismay looked at him silently. The words "I would," slipped from her with relative ease. She wasn't sure who was more surprised.

"You would? Are you sure?" Gabriel asked, giving her an estranged look.

Swallowing the knot in her throat, Ismay nodded, not trusting herself to speak. Gabriel stood, holding out his hand. She took it with some hesitation and they sat on the small fainting couch. With a grin, he leaned towards her and cupped the left side of her face in his hand. Ismay's breath rushed out of control, her heart pounded her chest, stumbling, and stuttering as their lips met.

She bunched her skirt tightly in her hands as the chaos of his kiss burned through her. His tongue brushed against her bottom lip in a demand for entrance. A demand Ismay complied with without much thought. Worse yet, she found herself leaning into him, allowing his arms to wrap around her and trap her against him. She released her skirt and placed her hands on his chest. His heart pounded hard against her palms.

Just when Ismay thought she might lose herself to the chaos then intensity slowed, but when their lips parted, Gabriel still held her. He rested his head against her forehead, his breath as heavy as hers. "My siren," he breathed. After several moments he pulled back enough to look down at her. "Thank you, I very much enjoy our kisses." He released her but held onto one of her hands.

Ismay flushed. Her face heating. "You're welcome, but I wouldn't expect something like this every day." She had to draw some lines or she would stop bending the rules and start breaking them. Ismay smoothed her skirts and clearing her throat. "Godfrey has agreed to help me find a messenger to deliver my counter offer."

Gabriel grinned, though he tried to hide it as he nodded. "Why in person?"

"I want to ensure they receive the offer. I would very much like for Verun to be counted among our allies." She didn't miss the brief look on his face. He would rather they weren't allies. "When?"

"When?" He repeated, confused.

"When will you explain to me why you dislike the kingdoms so much?"

Gabriel didn't answer for a long moment. "I don't know. Perhaps when I believe giving you the answer won't be dangerous."

That didn't make any sense at all. She pressed her lips together, striving for patience she wasn't sure she had. "I'm not sure I understand, but that is nothing new. I'll wait, but I wouldn't like to be kept waiting too long." She stood and returned to the small table where their food sat, no doubt now cold. He joined her and they ate.

The next several days Ismay worked on learning more of Darug's local commerce and trade. A lot of it depended on the pirates, bringing in goods the other kingdoms clearly weren't going to trade with Darug. It helped keep the smaller villages stable if the reports she read were to be true. Ismay had gone back on her word once and allowed Gabriel another kiss two days after their second one. She wasn't sure why she had agreed to the third, but she had.

Ismay and Godfrey had sent Philippe with her counteroffer to Verun that morning. Ismay was continuing her study of the local commerce when Elena rushed into the room without so much as a knock. Her face pale and worried. "What's wrong?" Ismay asked, getting up from the table.

"I've heard a terrible thing and I believe you're the only one who can help," Elena said, her voice tight.

"What is it?"

"Clarissa is going to make a move against you and Gabriel."

"What makes you so sure? That would be a very bold move." Ismay didn't miss that the girl called the king or Lady Clarissa by their given name only. She also said it with ease.

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