Robb Stark X Greyjoy!Reader - Eastside

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I hope to hear from you soon,

Theon Greyjoy, Heir to the IronIslands


Theon had refused to allow you to read your father's response, but that was enough to allow you some insight into the contents of his letter. You spent the next evening sitting alone in your chambers, unable to bring yourself to face Robb's family, given your father's less that positive attitude.

Robb snuck up soon after dinner, bringing with him a small bread roll and an apple. "It's not much, but it's all I could get off of the table without Mother noticing," he told you softly, pressing a kiss to your cheek as he placed them in your lap.

You smiled up at him, running your fingers over his jaw lightly, "you are far too sweet to me," you told him gently, and he let out a light chuckle.

"You are worth being sweet to," he answered you quietly, leaning down and kissing you once more before pulling one of the other chairs over to where you sat in front of the fire.

You released a soft sigh, "I just wish father could see sense," you told him, and he nodded slightly, "if he knew you he would never have disagreed to our match," you added, picking at the bread with your fingernails.

"And if I were born to any other house he would not give two shits who I was," he murmured softly.

A knock on the door startled you both, and you glanced at your future husband before getting to your feet and peering through the peep hole. You both knew that he wasn't supposed to be in your chambers, Lady Stark had made that very clear from the moment you had announced your romance. You quickly composed yourself, gesturing for Robb to stand up before pulling open the door. "Good evening, Lord Stark," you spoke softly, giving him a small guilty smile as he looked behind you and found his son standing uncomfortably in the middle of the room. "Robb noticed I missed dinner and brought me something to eat," you added, holding up the food which was now clutched awkwardly in one hand.

"I see," he answered softly, smiling at his son and nodding his head, "I think it's about time Robb was getting back to his own chambers," he added and you chuckled as Robb hurried past his father, giving you a small wave as he went. "Do you mind if I come inside?" Lord Stark asked you, and you simply gestured for him to follow you to the seat Robb had been occupying moments before.

"Was there something you needed, My Lord?"

He sent you a small smile, "I know that your father's inability to accept your marriage has upset you," he told you softly, "but I wanted to make sure that you know that we have always considered you family, and Catelyn and I will be very happy to see you joining us in a more official way."

You felt tears prick at your eyes as he continued to smile at you, "thank you," you told him softly, "I just hoped that father would see that love is worth far more than an old grudge."

"I cannot promise that he will ever come around, but I truly hope that eventually he will come to you with an open mind," he murmured, and you shrugged slightly.

"It's unlikely, it was a fools dream to start with."

*Time Skip*

It wasn't long after your marriage that Lord Stark travelled south to become the Hand of the King. And not even a year later you were at war. Robb had attempted to make you stay in Winterfell, but when it came to you he had always found it hard to say no, and you had insisted that you stay at his side through everything. In the end, he was glad to have you with him, for when he heard of his father's death you were there to help him through the pain of it all. It had broken your heart to hear of the man you had seen as a father being slaughtered, but Robb needed you to remain strong, and so your tears were saved for your most private moments, when you were bathing or when he was in battle.

In fact, those times lessened more and more and he encouraged you to join the men in the war council. You had often enjoyed sitting in on the boys lessons when you were young, and your favourite thing to learn was the war strategies. You had seen them as elaborate games, to see who would win, and you had grown rather skilled in the art. Most of his bannermen seemed surprised to find you at his side when they entered the tent, but Theon was beaming from ear to ear as you squinted down at the pieces, shuffling a few around the table until you were certain that your plan had been perfected.

"My wife is much more of a skilled strategist that myself," Robb told them all, his hand coming to rest around your waist lightly as he smiled down at the table. "She has been learning since she was five," he added softly, glancing up at a few of the men who were still in a state of confusion. "She is going to give you your orders this morning," he told them, and their confusion turned to utter dismay.

"But, Your Grace," one of them started, and you watched as both your husband and your brother grew somewhat frustrated.

"Our Queen is a better strategist than any man in this tent," Theon growled, giving the speak a shove and causing him to stumble lightly.

"There are multiple parts to my plan," you started, drawing their attention back to you, "be sure to keep up, I will not be repeating myself," you continued, before launching into your description whilst moving the pieces around the table.

Your plan had been a success, and had seen the King Slayer captured, and you had felt as though much of your worries had been lifted in that moment. Robb was strong and healthy, and you were there to take some responsibility and help him with his war effort, where many wives would be made to sit in their homes, useless and full of fear. In that instant, you were sure you had made the right decision in marrying Robb, in spite of what your father had believed.

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