She smiled sadly. "I was kinda hoping to talk to my boyfriend."

He didn't like that she was sad but stood his ground, he would not change for a cute pout. Suddenly her pout turned into a wicked grin. "Actually.. I was hoping to talk to my mate."

His heart clenched, she had called him her mate, she was acknowledging their bond. He went motionless but she took a step closer.

"Would you change if I told you I want you to join my pack?" She asked softly.

He changed, so fast she barely understood that he had, until she took a second look. Blood rushed to her face and he chuckled, pleased at her reaction, while he put on his clothes a lot slower than he normally did. She didn't remove her eyes from him and he liked her confidence, despite the blush or maybe because of it. When he was dressed she smiled shyly. "Is it bad to admit that I'm glad you have clothes on... and not happy about it at the same time?"

He didn't smile, he didn't move, his eyes on hers, burning into her. Questioning, demanding, an explanation. But he didn't talk.
"Something happened last night" She told him.

He scoffed, he knew what happened, she had almost driven him to claim her and she hadn't even noticed until he pointed it out.
"I mean, after you left.. I felt good with you but when I was asleep, before you left, something changed in me."

She made no sense at all and he stared at her quite expressionless. Did she or didn't she want him? She didn't sound happy or sure of herself now. Was she telling him to get out of her life?
"I changed, Luke. When the twins healed me something happened to me... Ben thinks it affected me because they were already pledged to me in pack magic.."

He became more worried. The enforcer that she had been living with had healed her with his twin. Did she mean that she had bonded with that man. A low growl ripped out of him without meaning to. He was sure she was going to reject him now. She mistook his growl for disgust and rushed on with her explanation.

"I can move in the shadows like they do, without them... I understand if you won't want me anymore now that I'm not fully human anymore... we had a pack meeting and Ben asked if I wanted you as a mate and that made me think and I do. Want you, that is..."

He ran the words through his mind, trying to make sure he understood. When he didn't say anything she took another step closer. She felt like crying but kept her head held high and her eyes glued to his. His emotions seemed to be flashing through a range of things she didn't understand and when she couldn't stand it anymore she smiled sadly. "It's alright. I understand that it took a while before you accepted me as a human and now I'm not human anymore... and we don't even know what this makes me. It's weird to be on the other side."

"On the other side of what?" He finally managed to ask roughly, confused.

"Now that I made up my mind that I want to be yours, you don't want me. After all those years where I refused you, I finally figured out how you make me feel and now the shoe is on the other foot."

"How do I make you feel?" He asked, unmoving.

"Complete." She answered without hesitation.
He took a step back, she frowned. He understood the frown and grinned. "You don't want me over there, little one."

"I do so." She grumbled. His grin confused her.
"If I walk across that boundary I'll be joining your pack."

"That's what I want." She replied immediately and to his pleasure.
"If I cross that boundary I'll be joining you pack by marking their Alpha!" He clarified seriously.

A hesitant smile slipped onto her lips and she challenged him. "What if their Alpha runs?"

She knew they loved the chase, it was in their DNA, she knew the female wolves never just submitted to their males, the claim was equal but the men had to work for it. They had to be able to catch their mate. The predatory glint in his eyes and the wicked curve of his lips convinced her that she hadn't said anything wrong. He took a slow step forward and just as he finally crossed the boundary she turned and ran. The predator in him recognised the changes in his mate, the soundless steps, the graceful lope that no human could ever achieve. He was chasing a predator. The man in him appreciated her curves, her laughter and the humour in her words as she yelled at her boundary patrol that life was awesome and to leave him be.

The wolves working on the new houses could see them when he tackled her, she had almost made it home. He had enjoyed the chase and ran very close behind her for a while. Everyone could see him turning them as he tackled her, so his back to the brunt of their fall. Her face was flushed and filled with happiness. Despite his intense need to mark her, he gently kissed her nose and her cheeks before finally claiming her mouth in a searing kiss. When he lifted his head he asked her. "Tell me you are sure. This doesn't come with any returns."

"As long as you promise not to let yourself go and become a couch potato now that you finally got what you wanted." She replied slightly breathless.

He burst out laughing and pulled her up to straddle him while he sat up beneath her.
"I promise to work out for you, my beautiful little mate, I just need your promise to work out with me." He told her huskily.

She saw the animal in his gaze and decided that he really was worth it, she pulled her shirt to the side where she knew he would mark her. There were other places he could mark her but this was the preferred option for most wolves. He didn't offer her a chance to back out again. He wasn't letting go. His teeth lengthened and he grinned at the awe on her face. She hadn't known what to expect from this claiming but she didn't expect his tender promise. "I love you.. I will always love you and do anything in my power to protect you and make you happy."

She stopped his face from descending by putting her hand on his forehead, unaware that they now had quite the audience. "Well, wolf boy. I promise that I will do my best to love you like you deserve but I will be doing it while taking care of my pack. I won't let you lock me away and you'll need to accept that."

"I accept everything that comes with being your mate." He whispered in awe of her determination, she didn't even realise that she was an Alpha in the truest sense of the word.

"Well, now that that is clear." She flipped her hair to the side and further bared her neck to his teeth. He didn't hesitate, but instead of biting down like she expected, he kissed her until a breathy moan escaped her mouth then rained kissed down her neck to where he was going to mark her. Her desire clouded his senses and he finally bit down.

The pain was washed away in pleasure but everyone watching was surprised when the little female growled and grabbed his hair. She pulled his head to the side like a wolf might have done in the heat of a marking and bit him back. Her eyes teeth just a bit sharper than they had ever been. Not fangs but certainly not human. The moment her teeth broke his skin, a link to her pack burst into life while the old bonds started snapping away immediately, weakest pack members first. His father could be heard in both their packs links. 'Luke has been accepted by his mate. Alpha Rhonson. Welcome to the family child. May the Goddess bless you and your pack...Luke, I'm proud that you managed to get her to love you son, we all know she made you work for it...and Juliette, you are stealing my fiercest warrior, take good care of him.'

Then the links that still hung on to him burst to life one last time, his old pack wished him the best and told him he'd be missed. There were a lot of voices and Juliette's pack remained silent as the Red Hills pack all tried to get a word in the the man that had been their next Alpha.

- - -
I need a title for the last book in this series... I have a few ideas but I'm not sure... Pursued, Caught and ... ??
I would love to hear from you guys
And the faster I have a name, the faster you have the book, so help me out here!
This one is almost done 😇

Caught ✔️ (sequel to Pursued) Where stories live. Discover now