Chapter 37

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After she finished feeling sorry for herself, Juliette thought about what Ben had said, about what her pack had been feeling when he said it and about what Luke had admitted to her before he left. She decided that they were right. For the first time she carefully blocked her feelings from the pack. Being honest with herself she admitted that she felt like part of her was missing without him near. She had felt angry when he left her, despite understanding that he was doing it because she wanted to be like a normal human, dating him. Even hours later the thought of his mouth on hers made her breathless. She knew everything she needed to know about her mate, she knew he would do anything in his power to make her happy... and laughing to herself she acknowledged that he was very easy in the eyes too. By the time she admitted all that to herself, breakfast was in full swing downstairs and she smiled when she felt her pack members, worried that Ben had been too harsh with her.

She picked up her mobile and shot off one quick text before taking a long shower and going downstairs. She was smiling serenely and grinned when she realized that even during the day there were shadows that looked different, usable. She felt Rianna step into the shadow before she saw the ripple in the corner. To everyone else it looked like she just appeared out of nowhere and her wicked smile indicated she knew just how that made them feel. In the link they could hear the wicked pleasure she took from upsetting the wolves when she said. 'Keeps the strangers on their toes to know that the shadows have teeth here.'

Oscar, William, Terry and Ben were the other pack members that were having breakfast and they looked at Rianna, every one of them smiling when Ben replied. "Just don't you forget that those teeth are at our disposal, babe."

With a sexy sway of her hips she walked over to Ben and draped herself over him, sitting on his lap. They were old friends and he comfortably wrapped an arm around her waist. She pouted up at the big wolf. "Does that mean you've changed your mind, big boy... you've never wanted my teeth before.."

All the men chuckled while Juliette watched, fascinated by Rianna's confidence. They they continued to trade quips but Julie felt someone new arrive before her patrol told her there was a wolf at the boundary. The wolf was just sitting at the boundary between them and Red Hills.

Juliette got up and waved at everyone before running out. She ignored their curious looks. The strangers that were having breakfast on the veranda watched in amazement as the little human Alpha ran past them. She was faster than she had ever been but she didn't know that it wasn't her speed that made people do a double take at her passing. She wasn't as fast as the supernaturals around her, it was because she ran without making a sound.

At the boundary she told the men that were glaring at the wolf to leave. When they were gone she smiled shyly. "Did you bring any clothes?"
The wolf sat down and chuffed.

"Are you going to change?"
He shook his head no, staying firmly planted on the other side of the invisible boundary between their pack and his.

"Guess you want to know why I asked to see you.."
The wolf cocked his head, like he was telling her, he knew she was stalling.

"Were you busy?"
He nodded his head.

"I'm sorry... if you were busy... if you want to go back... I mean I don't.."
The wolf yipped, cutting off her stutters and the moment she met his eyes he gave a low growl. He wanted to know why she had sent a text saying she needed to see him as soon as possible.

"Can you please change?" She asked when she spotted a bundle off fabric to his side.
Again he shook his head no. He had no intention of changing, her text had come during training and he had left his responsibilities, everything, to see her immediately. His father, the Alpha, had been pissed but knew, that was how it was with mates. His father was pissed at Juliette meaning his Alpha was pissed at his mate. He was torn and he knew that in his other form he wouldn't wait for permission to cross into her territory. He would cross to her and he wasn't sure he would be able to control his instincts anymore. He wasn't even sure he wanted to. The wolf in him acknowledged her as an Alpha, an Alpha of another pack. A wolf wanted his mate but respected hierarchy. She was clearly already an Alpha and as of now he was merely an Alpha blood warrior.

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