It reminded me of my mother's hugs before.

Before I was disowned and kicked out of the house for being her son instead of her boyish daughter.

"Oh sweetheart, come on, let's go inside and check on him and Wesley can you grab him something to drink, like Gatorade? I don't want him fainting on us too," Mika says in this sweet angelic voice as he rubs my back. 

I didn't realize I was actually sobbing until now.


Mika keeps a close eye on me as I guzzle down a whole bottle of purple Gatorade, suddenly exhausted by the whole situation. We were all waiting in the same private waiting room to hear some news about El's condition.

 Pierce had his arm wrapped around Matthias, Thomas was surrounded by his mom and dad, but Mika sat next to me in the silence. Our quiet only momentarily interrupted by the gentle sniffle from Matty every now and then, but I can't imagine what the twin must be going through.

The door finally opens and a doctor walks in with a solemn face. Everyone starts to brace for the bad news and I sat alone until Mika pulled me close so he could keep us together.

"We were able to bring Elias Grayson back to a stable condition, but his organs are very weak and some were damaged beyond repair. We had to remove one of his kidneys and his appendix. His liver had started to fail but we managed to bring it back. He's now in the ICU, undergoing intense nutrient regiment to get his body to a state where it can start repairing itself," The doctor announces and we all sigh a breath of relief.

"But he's not out of the woods just yet. He should be conscious within the next hour and we will come and get you once he is and we've moved him out of the ICU to a general room," The doctor says and takes his leave. Thomas and his parents huddle together in smiles and Pierce and Matty hug it out. Mika however, turns his full attention to me instead of his family. 

"Milo, do you have parents we can call? I don't like the thought of you being here alone under such a stressful situation," He says but I shake my head. 

"No, I don't have a blood-related family, not anymore. My dad died when I little and my mother recently kicked me out of the family so I guess It's just little Ol' me," I sigh and sit back in the uncomfortable seat. 

"What the fuck? Why would your mother do that? I've seen nothing but a sweet, humble, and respectful young man who any other parent would be proud to call their son. Is she mentally ill or something?" He asks and I shake my head, smiling slightly at the amount of passion he was quaking with as he complimented me. 

"Thank you, sir, but she still thinks I'm her daughter is all," I explain and his face twisted from one of anger to pure rage. 

"What! Who the fuck cares, you're still her child! When I gave birth to my two boys, all I ever asked was for them to be healthy. I didn't care about their gender or how they choose to live their lives. That's up to them and I love and support them no matter what. God, I hate that, just because it's you Milo and you deserve so much better," He says and cast his arm around my shoulder.

"But that's okay, because you can be a part of this family now. Right, Pierce?" He turns to his husband who raises his left brow in suspicion.

"What are we doing?" he asks and Mika grunts.

"We are adopting Milo as our own. Maybe not legally cause he's eighteen now, but unofficially he's our son now. Matty, this is your brother now." Mika fights for me and I almost tear up at just the sight of his passion and seeing how much he cares about someone as insignificant as me. 

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