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Bellamy/ Oh my god ( gets in the car and rushes to Ravens) ( sees her sitting on the porch next door and walks up to her)

Raven/ Oh you have got to be kidding. ( walks down the steps ) How the fuck did you get this address what do you want?

Bellamy/ ( all panicked) I saw the news about Clarke being shot at MedBay, Octavia was on the news I guess they caught a shot of her trying to get into the hospital. Where is she I need to see her please. ( Notices her leg brace) What happened to your leg?

Raven/ ( puts a hand up to stop him) None of your damn business. I have just spent the last couple hours trying to calm her down, she has been a sobbing screaming mess ever since she found out. She cried herself to sleep not long ago, I am not waking her up to talk to you. The only person she wants to actually talk to is Clarke. 

Bellamy/ Raven please let me see my sister.( he begs)

Raven/ No. Ok you have no idea what you put her through she spent years forcing herself to believe that you would come home or at the very least call her. Octavia spent six months sleeping on Clarkes crappy ass pull out couch because you didn't send her bed to her, if it wasn't for Millers dad she probably would of had to sleep on that couch for a year. You weren't here when they got kicked out of their place because Clarke couldn't keep up with the bills and had to move in with Abby. You weren't here when she was depressed about her mom and you, she needed you. Seriously just one little phone call, one text, one letter from you just telling her that you loved her would have made so much difference. You weren't there to pick up the pieces to her broken heart, Clarke was and I'll be damned before I let you hurt her again.

Bellamy/ I didn't think I would hurt them so much, I thought I was doing the right thing.

Raven/ ( scoffs) A phone call goes a long way. ( goes to walk back inside when Bellamy pulls her back) 

Bellamy/ Raven wait if the worse happens what happens to Madi and O?

Raven/ That's also none of your business nor is it any of your concern. ( crosses her arms)

Bellamy/ I'm serious Raven.

Raven/ So am I.

Bellamy/ ( sighs) Is there anything I can do to get them to at least talk to me?

Raven/ I'm going to be completely honest with you, You will never be able to have a relationship with them ever again, You might be able to have one with Madi when she's older but that's very doubtful. 

Bellamy/ ( sighs)

Raven/ Go home Bellamy. ( goes back inside the house)

Shaw/ Was that Bellamy?

Raven/ yeah.

                                                                             ITS NIGHT NOW

Raven/ I'm gonna go check on her ( goes up to her room)

Shaw/ ( nods his head) (  a letter goes through the slot) ( he gets up and sees its a letter from Bellamy to Octavia)

 Dear, Raven and Shaw Please don't give this to her until there is more word on Clarke. Octavia I know that I will never be able to make up for what I did to you all those years ago. Even though I was helping mom raise you since you were born, I couldn't do it without her. I was constantly drinking and and breaking things I don't know if you remember but you very scared of me after she died and rightly so. I hated having you be so scared of me so I did the best thing I could think to do at the time for you, to leave you with Clarke. I was wrong for how I put that on her to take care of you, It may not have seemed like it at the time but, me leaving you with Clarke was the best decision I ever made. After I left I was even more of a wreck I was homeless and living out of my car, I could barely even hold a job. I know that your life was never the same again or easy  living with her but truth be told you would have been taken away from me by the state if I kept you. I always wanted to call but I never knew what to even say to you, what could I have said to you to make you understand the things that I did? You were right " My sister my responsibility " was a load of shit after I left. I pray that Clarke pulls through not only for you but for Madi and your family. I may never be able to have the relationship that I want with you or Clarke again and I've accepted that, that's my problem I hope one day I can be able to meet Madi and be the father to her that she deserves that we never had growing up. Octavia our mother would be so proud of how you turned out to be. You are probably the best aunt in the world to Madi. I want you to know that I'm not running away this time I'm here to stay and if you ever need me or want to talk to me I will be there for you. This is my number and address.                                                                                                                                                            May we meet again,                                                                                                                                                                               Bellamy

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