{ nine }

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Hey guys! wow... my book has just barely begun and so much has happened already! Thank you so so so much for 866 reads and 65 votes! That's freaking awesome.
Alright enjoy! ❤️

As they all flew back to the cliff, Aurora flew under Spectrum's belly and came up on Vapor's side. Vapor purred as he looked over to Aurora. Spectrum smiled happily.

They landed on the mountain and Spectrum stared at Vapor. How his scales were a beautiful navy blew and they sparkled a bit if you stare at them for awhile.

Spectrum smiled softly as she blushed. Her scales glowed a tiny bit and she flinched when Aurora growled softly.

She moved closer to Vapor, "We should just rest here for the night." Vapor smiled.

"Yea, good idea." Aurora nodded and looked at Spectrum.

"You should turn back into Ember." Spectrum nodded. She felt much more connected with Ember now that she was able to go back, on command.

She shifted back into Ember and Ember quickly ran to Aurora's bag. She pulled out some clothes and got changed.

"Done." Ember said to them.

Aurora smiled softly and Vapor laid down. He let out a long loud tired yawn. Aurora purred and slept next to him as Vapor wrapped his wing around Aurora's body.

Ember smiled happily and cuddled up next to Aurora. Ember sighed happily; covered by Aurora's wing, giving her warmth as she drooped into a deep slumber.


Ember felt icy cold scales touch her skin. She thought it was Vapor but she woke up to-

No way...

She could not believe what she was seeing.

"Sapphire?!" Ember exclaimed. She crawled out of Aurora's wing slowly, making sure the moon dragon wouldn't wake up.

Sapphire flew to a nearby lifted boulder and Ember followed. She climbed onto the rocks and slipped on one of them. She almost fell when Sapphire caught her by her shirt.

Ember felt Sapphire's freezing breath whoosh onto her hair, making it flutter. Sapphire put Ember down gently next to her. Ember chuckled happily as tears seeped out of her eyes.

"Oh my god.. I missed you so much!" Ember hugged Sapphire's penetrating scales. Ember flinched and moved away quickly. "Ooh!" Ember inhaled sharply in pain.

Then suddenly two more dragons came up behind her.

"Harper? Zedd?" Ember called out as they walked up to her.

Ember squealed in happiness and ran up to them. She hugged Harper tightly and hugged Zedd quickly before his scorching scales burned Ember's arms off. Ember shakes her arms and tears streamed down her face.

"Oh my gosh! I thought I'd never see you guys again!" Ember sniffled.

Sapphire purred as Harper grinned warmly and Zedd chuckled softly. Ember sobbed in happiness and all three dragons gleamed.

Me neither Ember... how'd you like to come back to the village with us and help rebuild it?

Harper's deep voice echoed in her thoughts, Harper smiled. Zedd and Sapphire grinned.

"Yeah!" Ember beamed but quickly realized her friends. She frowned and slouched in sadness. She looked over at Noah and Ivy.

She smiled sadly and whispered, "I'm sorry... I'll miss you guys so much." Ember cried as she jumped down from the uplifted platform.

She walked over to them and wrote a note in the dirt. She sniffled and went over to Aurora, she hugged Aurora gently and stared at Vapor. She sobbed as she already started missing them.

"Oh I'll miss you guys so so so much." Memories of Spectrum and Aurora and Vapor filled her mind.

She chuckled as she remembered the race and she smiled sadly when she remembered how Spectrum felt when she was with Vapor.

She sighed heavily in sadness as she walked away slowly. She crawled back up and wiped away her tears.

I'm sorry that you have to leave them... but it won't be forever..

Zedd smiled warmly as Ember took a deep breath. She noticed Vapor waking up. Vapor growled as he shot up into the sky. He roared as he jumped in front of Ember, protecting her.

"Vap-" Vapor cut Ember off by blasting ice at them. Zedd roared as he blocked the ice with his wing.

Who are you?!

Vapor roared at them as they stared at him.
With confused looks. Vapor's eyes widened as he noticed Sapphire.

"Vapor... It's okay, this is my family." Ember said softly with a hint of sadness. She smiled as she put her hand on Vapor's back.


Vapor's voice rang in her ears as Ember chuckled softly. Vapor sat up straight.

Yeah, my name's Sapphire

Sapphire's voice boomed in Ember's head. Sapphire looked at Vapor in the eyes.

I'm Zedd... sorry for scaring you

Zedd smiled as he sat down.

And I'm Harper... we have come to take Ember home

Harper's voice echoed in Ember's mind and Ember smiled sadly but happily simultaneously. Ember gulped as she saw a confused look on Vapor's face. Vapor looked at Ember. Ember closed her eyes and nodded.

She sobbed, "I'm sorry Vapor... but I must go home and help rebuild my village." Tears rushed and flowed out of her eyes.

She didn't wanna leave Vapor but, she missed her family so much. Vapor shook his head and pinned his ears down to his sides of his head. He whined as Ember sighed heavily. She touched Vapor's snout.

You can't leave! We need you here...

Vapor laid down. Ember felt the sadness in his voice as it echoed in her head. Ember gulped and sobbed as she hugged his nose. She sniffled and moved away quickly.

"I'm so sorry Vapor." Ember's eyes grew puffy and red. She started shifting into Spectrum. She groaned and gritted her teeth together in pain as her bones cracked.

Spectrum whimpered as Vapor nuzzled her. She wanted him to keep nuzzling her, she wanted it to last. She moved away slowly and sighed solomnly.

She smiled softly, "I will miss you so much. Hopefully it won't be to long..." She said.
"Say goodbye to Aurora for me." She added as tears streamed down her face.

Vapor nodded slowly, "I will miss you more than anything in the world." Vapor sobbed and put his forehead against Spectrum's.

She glanced back up at Vapor and smirked wryly, "Even Ivy?" She questioned him as Vapor chuckled.

"Well she's an exception." Vapor teased as he licked her cheek.

She felt her heart thumping rapidly and she blushed more intensely than ever, feeling heat rushing up to her face. She felt love coursing through her.

Spectrum smiled sadly and shot off into the sky. She roared loudly after her family and followed them back home.

Spectrum took one last glance over her shoulder and saw Vapor laying on the ground. She whined and looked away.

She felt excitement spark within her as she was finally back with her family and she was back home where she belonged.

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