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I was currently sprinting down the street with Johnny and pony, trying to get to the curtis t.v. All three of us had been sprawled our at my house watching t.v. and we noticed a character in the sitcom that looked exactly like Darry. We were trying to get over there before the show ended.

I had been ahead of them both so I was the first to sprint into the house.

I ran straight into dallas, accidentally tackling him to couch. The piece of cake that he was holding went flying and smashed into Steve's face. Soda started cackling. Dally cussed me out and pushed me off of him onto the floor.

"Sorry sorry sorry, don't kill me yet boys," i panted. I scrambled over to the t.v. and changed the channel to the show we were watching before.

Johnny pointed out the character that looked like Darry and nobody seemed to care, besides us.

"Wow you guys are lame," pony groaned.

"Can we kill you now?" Two-bit asked.

"Go ahead." I laid on my back with my arms out. Darry didn't hesitate, he started tickling me. It wasn't what I was expecting them to do.

I started kicking at Darry and trying to push him away, so dally grabbed my legs and soda grabbed me arms.

Steve hovered over me with a piece of cake in his hand. He grinned evilly and Darry stopped tickling me.

"I swear randle don't you dare, I'll kick the ever living crap out your nu-" i was cut off by the piece of falling cake smashing on my face.

Two-bit started scream laughing and I literally growled. I kicked dally so hard he let go of my legs and Soda let go of me, he didn't want to be punched. Smart boy.

I scraped some of the cake and frosting off of my face and held it in my palm.

"Think it's funny do you two?" I said chunking it at his face. Johnny was laughing now.

"Oh, johnnycakes. Biiiiig mistake mr.," twobit said getting up and grabbing a piece of cake and throwing it at johnny. He missed and hit pony right it the kneecap. How he missed that horribly I have no idea.

Pony doubled over and clutched his knee. Darry rushed over to see if he was okay, and that's when pony smeared cake all over Darry's shirt.

"Seems like your the last two huh?" Steve said to johnny and soda.

I squealed and jumped into soda arms. "Soda I just love you aweeeee!" I rubbed my face all over his dx shirt and he groaned and threw me backwards onto the couch.

Johnny sighed and grabbed a piece of cake. He smashed it over his head and dally ran over and gave him a noogie, rubbing the cake into his hair.

"You ruined it johnny!" Pony joked. I got up from the couch and put an arm around each of them.

"Now if you'll excuse us, we have a show to go finish boys," I said dragging them both towards the door.

Just as I had my hand on the door another piece of cake stuck itself on my back.


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